The Dream Of Awakening

By Brendan Lee Sprague

This is not theory, but entirely true, the information that is contained following this brief paragraph. Enlightenment is a spontaneous occurrence, and it is evident to us when we have had this occurrence take place within our lives . . .

"Upon enlightenment, complex DNA information found through phylogenic memory packets are unleashed through the subconscious mind through a "dream of awakening." These time-release capsules within the subconscious, are fired off, as a result of timing and synchronicity, following the intake of certain information. In this a new strand is reached at the genetic level -- the DNA is renewed by the Light as cast into the body, through the crown chakra/pineal gland; the Light which is information, is the matter which composes the universe, this living information thrives through our DNA, and as we have the dream of awakening, we will wake up with a renewed sense of spirit, life, vivacity, purpose, mission, and intent."

It is a renewal of body and mind and spirit, an eclipsing of all supernal energies . . . through the dream of awakening, we will be given certain symbolic imagery and insight that draws us to believe in certain things like past-lives, other life-forms, and the notion of becoming One with God. Twelve-strand DNA is the end-result, as we all possess that scientists refer to as "junk DNA" within our helix, this unused set of strands are in truth the ninety percent of our brains we haven't been using, and is like a dimmer switch that can be activated to rise in strand, such that many "lightworkers" are endowed with the Christed 3.5 DNA strand at this time, and many are experiencing a mutation at the genetic level which is not hereditary or family-related but born solely through ones own Infinite Design. There is what is known as the De Novo mutation, derived from the Latin meaning "fresh, to start anew" -- which is a mutation born solely through ones own lifetime that is not family-related nor hereditary, which occurs as a result of the presence of the Light within ones DNA, this mutation has been recorded to result in extrasensory talents, and the very doctor involved in the research study confirming my own telepathic experiences, said, that that "yes, people with the De Novo mutation have been recorded to experience telepathy more than people who are not undergoing the mutation."

It was Philip K. Dick, the science fiction writer, who spoke of the "phylogenic memory" packets, such that he believed himself to be one who endured the process of awakening at a time much earlier than our present "New Age." He experienced the onset of the living information, and wrote much in his Exegesis about the beliefs that came from what would seem a foreign source. This was prophetic of the Light that has come with our New Age, and it is starting to become a widely-accepted belief that the energy, new energy, is being sent to the earth from a foreign source, enveloping us with super-dimensional energy.

Certain parts of the universe are like beacon-transmitters used to send information into our DNA -- "the phylogenic memory packets are unleashed, and the DNA is thus vitalized by the energy of the higher dimensions." How prophetic his vision was, that Philip K. Dick imagined the onset of the Light/Information being projected into us from afar, that this would actually come to be, and so it goes, he was a prophet in his time, and the book "The Crack In Space" even prophesized a black president at a time of the New Age to which there is a leak in the cosmos that leads to an entirely different universe -- this I imagine to be a reference to the Pleiades, and so it would seem, the prophet Philip K. Dick knew, just as many knew, that the Light was coming, he experienced these events early on in the history of the collective awakening as a primer for the rest of the race, and his legacy remains one of the most influential in the media of science fiction, and much thoughts regarding the future.

"In the dream of awakening, it will be that certain symbols are revealed to the subconscious mind that cause us to remember certain things, from our cosmic heritage, to the truth of the reality we are guides meant to act as catalysts for the rest of the race." Some will fly, some will witness a glowing light in the sky, some will teleport, some will go to entirely different planets. The dream will seem real, vivid to the highest extent, and once it is over, and the subject wakes up from the experience, it will be a mystical sense that pervades all faculties of the body -- soul -- and mind, and we will feel as though it was entirely real. Thus renewed, thus vitalized by the Light -- we enter into what is referred to as "Lightbody" otherwise referred to by spiritualists as the Merkabah Vehicle. The crystal double-tetrahedron that envelops the body is activated, and this is the enlightened state. "We are invited into the world of spirit through a dream of awakening, the dream felt real, and we write down the date, record in our journals, and take note of the experience -- "knowing this was the change that had been waiting dormant within our DNA all our lives; it was all leading up to the dream of awakening."

Twelve-strand DNA is the eventuality of all of this, that original grace to which we all used to know in earlier civilizations like Lemuria. The memory of these civilizations, although seemingly lost by the masses, has survived somehow -- such that we "know" about Atlantis, and Lemuria, and the memory has survived to some degree, and through the information of the Light contained within our DNA, thus vitalized by the higher dimensions, we are becoming more interested in the history of the Earth -- some will start channeling cosmic information, others will simply leave their homes and possessions behind in search of the highest truth, the most powerful companions, and the life to which our Free Will is activated to exist at the highest conceivable degree of proactive animation. And we believe there was a time when superpowers existed within the human race --
"we believe there was a time when the information was not hid from the masses, but wholly shared -- and we believe there was a time, at one point in our cosmic history, when no wars were fought, all existed in infinite peace, and we thrived by the power of the Light within our illumined, DNA."

Our only earthly possession will be the body we possess, our thoughts will writhe through divine cogitations, feeling the Light of God -- a feeling that pervades through us as super-dimensional, hyper-charged, and wholly mystical, like the air of November, flowing through us -- the infinite wind -- and this presence of which we are peering through the eyes of God, the deity within our very cells eclipsed to the six trillion constellation of all parts added up to an equalized whole -- reality is manifested directly by our thoughts, we can either exist within the mindset of being controlled by other men, or accept the fact that there is no other master to serve than the Light that lies within. We accept this truth, and go on to live the highest life of the greatest mission and purpose -- to serve the human race -- to act as a primer for further evolvement, a guide, a beacon of Light anchoring ones self as energy within various locales of the planet. Such that it would seem through the illumined DNA of many lightworkers incarnated on the planet at this time, a number in the millions, we are producing a gridwork -- a "Noosphere" of higher-dimensional energy, anchoring our energy, creating a sphere of Light around the planet Earth.

"This rise in DNA strand, occurring as a result of the dream of awakening, as containing certain symbolic information, as influencing a renewal in our beliefs -- thus entered into Lightbody, the Merkabah Vehicle, the enlightened state, there is no other choice than to "live our Light" which is to share the information we have come to learn -- through what media exists, via poems, song, writings, film, acts of kindness, or simply reaching out to ones own family member, and if it is true we are entering into a new stage in human evolution to which death will cease, we cease to age, we are vitalized by the higher energies."

Once the Light has entered our body, we must accept that certain people are vital to our evolution, as none of this occurred solitarily, but we are invariably influenced by one another -- thus it will seem that through our new Light, new relationships start to form, we make new connections related to soul matters -- as things like reiki healing, past-life regression, hypnosis, and psychic readings become commonplace to us, and the thought of evolution becomes a naturally discussed matter of which many minds are starting to agree -- the "Light" is here, many minds are starting to recall their original grace. The De Novo mutation is real. There are a number of lightworkers incarnated on this planet who believe in the future religion of universality, belief, and human evolution. It is a collective evolution, and in the rapturous times ahead to which many will ascend -- the evidence will be profound, and no one will really be able to deny when the skies are illumined with the lights of other-wordly craft, and various lightworkers event their way onto the platforms, in order to go back home, invariably set to return, in an infinite relay between Earth and Universe that flows endlessly as a result of the living information.

So where is the Light coming from, and how does it enter our body..?

This is the truth, and it will be accepted, invariably, as the result of Time, the close of the Mayan calendar, and all respects regarding the futurity of Man, we are being saved by our brethren from the stars. The Light is coming from Sirius A, the dog-star, located in Canis Major. It is also coming from the Pleiades -- the rings of Alcyone, to which at this time the Earth is passing through the most electromagnetically high-charged part of the galaxy, to which we are made susceptible toward the invitation of Light within the DNA of the many lightworkers on the planet earth. It is theorized to enter the body through the pineal gland located around the crown chakra, and it flows as an ethereal ray of luminescence that travels through space -- inhibiting us with a dream of awakening to which our DNA is awakened. The information is entered into the crown chakra -- into the subconscious mind of the subject, causing an activation of the original DNA strand filaments, and we are thus entered into lightbody, endowed with the original super-terrestrial grace, "enlightened" and the merkabah double-tetrahedron starts to spin in both directions, vertically, and horizontally, we have entered into the enlightened state, and this is the Light that was invariably waiting for us waiting at the end of the tunnel as a result of the self-fulfilling prophecy laid down by the Mayans so many centuries ago . . .

How do the Mayan predictions relate to the enlightenment of the human race..?

The Mayans saw through astrological timing and synchronicity the movement of the spheres and all celestial bodies in a sort of inborn rhythmic flow that would eventually cease, and start over, in what is referred to as "Year Zero" -- the perceived "end of time" to which a new timecode is brought upon us, and we enter into the final stages of human evolution. This is a self-fulfilling prophecy in that the Mayans knew, very well, when a time for the human race may see themselves as the original masters who seeded the planet with Light, so a date was recorded, even a specific time of 11:11 A.M. December 21st, 2012. Just by having existed in such close proximity to the date, the Light is already upon us with many a lightworker endowed with the Light of the higher dimensions, and we exist as primers for what is to come for the masses in what many perceive will be a "collective dream of awakening" to which many people will wake up from the exact same dream -- this is the plan, however not widely discussed, but gaping possibility -- the "collective dream" -- a dream that contains the details, people, places, and events that would lead to the end of the world . . .

Thus enlightened by the facts, and staring calmly into the eyes of the men and women who would be responsible for pushing the button causing a nuclear holocaust and the extinction of the human race, we will know how things could've turned out, change our minds, having reached that choice-point, and destroying all record of the causes that were going to result in the end of the human race. . . .
"The world does not end, it simply can not end, there is too much attention being given to our lovely, blue star. Too much life exists on this planet for such a thing to actually occur, so the dream will save us, The Plan will reach fruition, the day will come when we are reckoned with, when the wheat are separated from the chaff, and God resounds in a booming, multivoice resound, declaring the return of the Light for all to feel and know -- that Christ has returned in the multitude as the many incarnated lightworkers endowed with the Living Information -- and everlasting peace resounds for the human race, as a rebirth of the Essene society, praying to our highest, most spiritual leaders, and wholly enlightened by the synchronicity of which we have officially found ourselves in the New Age, living the final incarnation."

What is meant by the suggestion of the Final Incarnation, and how has Christ returned..?

The final incarnation is a result of the prophecy laid down by the Mayans, such that a time would exist for each of us that we become Ascended Masters, taking this body, and these memories with us for the infinitude of our futurity within the stars. We are not going to re-incarnate anymore, as we know, just by being aware of the incarnation system, we cease to rely upon its workings, but realize that we no longer need to die -- we may become immortal, several lightworkers with near-death experiences involving teleportation, have gone to suggest that as a result of the process of death ceasing entirely, having thus become immortal, alive in the perceived renewal of Time, the Cosmic Spring known as the New Age, this is the "final incarnation" to which we no longer need to incarnate into a new body ever again, but shall take this body with us, until the end.

Christ has returned in the sense that we are becoming immortal, entering into the ascension process. Christed DNA is that higher strand, the unused ninety percent of our brains we haven't been using, thus returned to our primordial place as what I refer to as super-terrestrials, otherwise known as Neo-Lemurians, this is the final, evolved, "future race" of mankind to which many miracles will be performed, we will learn that matter transcends reality, thoughts travel and are shared faster than the speed of Light -- we will remember such powers as telepathy, telekinesis, and telepathy, and these powers will eventually become commonplace as many are Christed to that full, twelve-strand DNA. The dimmer switch of our DNA thus activated, risen, we rise in cognitive "vibration" (just as the Earth is rising in vibration, we rise in vibration as well) -- and through this risen frequency of thoughts that are high-charged, endowed with the Living Information, we operate on tones of universality, know "almost all that can be known" -- with this knowledge only leading to more knowledge, in an endless flux of learning that will never cease . . . the living information only leads to more Light, and as we transcend this dimension into the fifth octave, teleporters, shape-shifters, super-terrestrials, creatures of miraculous power and insight, it will be that Christ has returned in the multitude, and many shall represent the primordial power that once existed with that most mysterious man.

Through Christed DNA, the risen strand, that dimmer switch activated, entered into the enlightened state, we are all invariably alike through tones of universal knowledge. Channelings, such as some of the quoted text within this material, is a result of the Light, the living information, and this information is somewhat universal, such that I am not really responsible for some of these words . . . they are born from a universal fount of Light, what many refer to as the Akashic Records.

What is the Akashic Records..?

The Akashic Records is the metaphysical database of all human thoughts and events within a given locale, or galaxy -- it exists as a living matter, such that there are recordkeepers, and even one who is known as Thoth who rules over the information, as historian. The information is invariably revised, but contains all histories and knowledge of the human race. This information can be tapped into by anyone, and many believe that when we dream, we are in touch with the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records is alive, it is a truly living material of which we are all able to reach into the primordial depths to draw out certain information. Thoth can be prayed to and meditated on, drawn from, and learned from, as Drunvalo Melchizedek claims to draw information from this Akashic fount, it was also Edgar Cayce the sleeping prophet who drew much knowledge from the universal database. Einstein who slept in four-hour increments due to his high-powered mind, received his insight about relativity in a burst of knowledge, what many believe was drawn fron the Akashic Records.

"As information is alive, and it is the matter which composes the universe, we are learning that it will travel and be expressed, invariably, as a result of Time. We are beginning to harness this matter known as Time, learning that it is essentially an illusion. There is really no such thing. It was all a great experiment "from the beginning" to see if we could live through the highly limited two-strand DNA, to become dreamers, and activators of the Primordial Memory, to enlighten ourselves by the Light of the master that lies within, and pray almost wholly to the Light of our DNA. We all remember ourselves, essentially, and no memory is to be left behind once the collective amnesia that washed over us for so many decades, has finally come to pass, and we veer calmly into the night with only high hopes of communing with the angels, and higher life-forms, as a result of our evolution through Time."

It is believed that we evolve through present tensory thoughts of the Now, "I Am" presence, and take these moments to be worthwhile matter that will only carry us into the radiance prescience of Future Thought -- this thought thus imagined, we imagine the perfect, future avatar self, and as we are all goal-oriented creatures, by thus imagining this perfect avatar self to exist, clothed in the garments who most fondly imagine, wearing the grin of infinite pride, and glowing with the aura of the Light propounded off the DNA -- we come eclipse with this image through the self-created manifestation, and this being exists in the Akashic realm -- he or she is imaginable, capable of being realized, and we will, eventually, find ourselves merged, actualized to the highest degree of supernal sentience. Enlightened by the power of our thoughts, in touch with the Akashic Records, and wholly endowed with the energy of the higher dimensions, merging with that fifth octave, the only next step is to express our beliefs in the forms of the extrasensory.

What kind of extrasensory talents will the enlightened human experience..?

Telepathy, namely, is one phenomenon that is growing more common with every day that passes now. Some have had near-death experiences (including myself) to which, with only partial humility, we can suggest that we evaded death through teleportation, otherwise the re-location of our bodies through the power of some higher force . . . then we have telekinesis, which is a lesser growing phenomenon as this talent has proven oft more destructive than useful, but we do see it to exist, and my own doctor has told me himself about witnessing objects floating through the air. Uri Gellar, the afamed israeli master of telekinesis is one resounding example, and there is mounting evidence for this power to exist with a growing number of people on the earth. Drug-induced telepathy with people in lightbody has been known to occur, and the evidence is mounting that the DNA change is resulting in events of the extrasensory, with the many lightworkers incarnated on the planet remembering their primordial abilities, experiences which are only growing with each day that passes now. Through Christed DNA, we are made capable of performing miracles.

"Telepathy is the future in communication, just as it was our past form of communication, and teleportation is the future in transportation. The photons emitted from our DNA shall be converted into living matter, made into an energy-source, and we will thrive through the energy born from the Light of our DNA, be self-powered, and in the eventual process of all of this, take flight, levitate, and ontologically shift the beliefs of all our perceivers by the resounding evidence of our profound, extrasensory talent."

What is the "new resource"..?

This resource is actually nothing new, but has existed for as long as energy has existed. It exists within the Light of our DNA, and the many lightworkers who are now creating a gridwork around the planet in an ethereal network of iridescence, produce a certain frequency-vibration that causes a rise in the planets supernal vibration -- the planet is "energized" by the Light of the lightworkers, rising in vibration as a result of our indelible powers, and it will seem that as we are become telepathic, teleporters, the new resource is the photons emitted from our illumined DNA -- through the Light we are made more capable of travel, made more capable of expression, and thus more freely able to express our imaginations in order to manifest the highest realities.

We will be self-contained Merkabah Vehicles who travel at our own personal accord, and as we teleport, the entirety of all races of the Earth will be teleconnected, hyperconnected, and ultra-dimensionally synchronized into the quickening of which Time as we knew it, will never be the same, and our progression through the cosmic continuum is expressed as an endless energy-form as born from the Light of our DNA -- the Light sent from Sirius A, and Alcyone of the Pleiades -- real, tangible, although unseeable matter -- and as we rise in vibration by the power of this energy, this which is the free energy source that all will know and understand once enough Light has been gathered by the race -- I believe certain machinery will be employed in the future that allows the Light of our DNA to be expressed into a converter which transforms the matter into tangible energy, as we all produce electricity with our thoughts in bodies made of water that conduct energy, we are all capable of producing a craft -- a self-contained "starship" that will take us into the outer reaches of the universe, as powered by the sole-energy of our DNA.

The converter exists within the mind, it is conceivable, and it will be constructed over time. Many beings of higher dimensional frequency have started to communicate with us through channeled text, and they are starting to suggest that the human race will soon be capable of constructing such a starship as will allow us to travel into the far reaches of the unisphere. And we will learn this is not the only universe, but one within the plethora of a multitude. Such that we essentially exist in what is known as the multisphere.

What is the multisphere..?

The multisphere is the matrix housing of all other universes -- a mass matrix of orbs, spherical universes, to which all universes are contained, in a grid-work circuitry, to which above this lies the thetaverse which rules supreme over all other universes, however the extension is endless, and the mirroring of one universe to the next never ceases to grow the more one peers into those depths of interversal matter. The thetaverse is the God-essence which rules supreme over the multisphere, it is the finality of all sentient thought -- the nirvanic thought, such that it would seem all extensions of this universe are essentially of the same, perfected "Christ essence" -- we all think together, and many minds are composited unto a singular, collective thought -- in this collective Christ soul, we see ourselves as God, and as a result, we are become "interversal" travelers, a mass aggregate of entities that are essentially all the same, who all operate on the same tones of universal knowledge. --

Going from one universe to the next, as a mass matrix of souls all living unto One collective Light -- as operators, and police of the multisphere. It will be found that all live together under the singular mind of God, and this is the eventuality -- the one-consciousness of all human thought that exists in the perceived final analysis of all existence . . . there are what are referred to as "angelworkers" who work between the dimensions, and the many universes. It is believed that various Pleiadian renegades are such angelworkers, as their galaxy is theoretically linked to an entirely different universe than this. If this is so, then it is likely they have been to the thetaverse, reached one-consciousness, and returned to spread the seed of Light as a result of their own evolution through the cosmic continuum. They are, otherwise known as the "ascended masters" -- the buddha, Christ, father Enoch, and various others who entered into lightbody far preceding the final age of Light, and ascended, such that they exist in the shadows of man, now, presently, to which we are caused to believe "God exists in the human body." This is a powerful thought, and it will be realized as true, as we are all bound to become proxies for the God-energy, and discover the Primordial Truth.

How does God exist in the human body..?

Through miracles, expressions of the divine, and talents of the extrasensory -- to the experience of a stranger who will seem to "know all about you" and act as a catalyst in order to guide you out of the path of darkness, God, who has incarnated into the rest of the matrix of humanity as an angelworker, exists in the human body in the respect that there are literally some of us who are powerful beyond belief -- whose powers are expressed in telepathy, telekinesis, and teleportation, whose expressions of power as a result of being modern mystics, and high-powered geniuses in touch with the Akashic Records, are evidence of the change, illumined by enlightened DNA, theoretically capable of changing appearance at their own free will -- these "masters" exist, many have begun to experience their Light -- some have had their lives saved -- others have been informed, calmly and carefully, in the words of the deity, "you are safe, you are protected, and you are being watched over." This total stranger who seems to know all about you, will place the suggestion within your mind that you are, invariably, being protected, and if it is so that many have begun to "teleport" in light of a near-death experience, we are all caused to wonder -- whose volition was this, the mind of God, or the mind of the Lightworker..? Did the subject teleport at their own free will, or was their life saved by the hand of God, some higher life-form, and if so, why..?

Accounts of teleportation, however hardly discussed, as this is a mind-bending, usually near-death experience, are surfacing, from my own experience to which my humility prevents me from discussing so many details, only to reflect that "I am still alive" -- thankfully, for whatever reason, I suppose to write this text. As we all become Christed, it will become our responsibility to act as God would act, and to "choose these moments carefully" as we event our way through life, and find ourselves at certain places and times which seem perfectly synchronized into the machinery of our prescient souls -- we are actualizing ourselves, returning to the original, primordial Godform, and this is all leading to a return to the Source, which will be physically endured, by a craft we are set to built in all futurity to come. The craft exists in the mind, it is the Noahs Ark that will carry us in a mass exodus to other planets, eventually to the Source, to enter into, merge with the vortex, and be invited, at last, back to the multisphere, to convene with the thetaverse, and be as enamored with Light and Information almost as wholly can be perceived. This futurity exists, and why not imagine it to be so..?

How will we physically merge with the Source..?

This is, however theory, a resounding possibility -- that through certain technology that employs a blackhole, either that of the center of the Milky Way which is the blackhole of Sagittarius A, or the blackhole located right beside Sirius A known as Sirius B. The craft we employ will enter into the blackhole, teleport into the beginning of Time, and then view, wholly, visually, the burning, radiating vortex of the Source of this universe. Nearing the profound light, our cells dividing and re-distributing throughout the unisphere, our mind becomes the final thought of God -- we peer over all that we have produced, all that we have made, and we know, that we are Home. Thus returned to the Source, become One with the mind of God, it will seem the only next step is to event into the multisphere, through the portal of the Source, such that we will see all of the universes, perceive the mass gridwork of spheres, and then re-distribute the seed of Light wherever it is needed throughout the many universes. "Become proxies for the God-energy, we are the angelworkers managing the scenery and props of reality -- we exist as the multitude of One, telepathically bound to one another, and we travel from universe to universe as a result of the power we possess -- thus become God, thus merged with the Source, thus returned to our primordial Home, it will seem that the journey has reached a conceivable end, however resoundingly apparent that energy is infinite, it bears no beginning or end, there is only the Source which emanates, infinitely, in all directions, as an energy that has always been, always will be, and shall never cease to glow. Yet, as time has existed, there would be a point of which this matter we knew as the cosmic continuum would possess a veritable climax. . . . So it goes, we found ourselves entering the Source as the only natural result of Time and incident, and this eventuality is a manifestable possibility within any enlightened minds eye. In essence, we have already merged with the Source, as there is in truth no real such thing as time. We already exist in the future peering back, just as the hybrid race of human/grey has resulted in the future race known as the Essassani, these beings are in the future peering back, it is a paradox, all we know is that our future selves have manifested, and we are invariably finding ourselves to become time-travelers, merged past and future, equalzed into a radiant whole of One.

How will we become time-travelers..?

Time in essence does not exist, and that is the first rule in understanding the development of our self-contained time machine. We travel into the future every day through the imagination, through prethought and expectation, such that we may "expect" to be somewhere, and through the imagining of this goal the result will be manifested. So, we must except, in our minds eye, to become time-travelers as a result of the synchronous flow of the Godly energies -- we imagine ourselves at the Source, not only this, we imagine -- through what capacity exists, what the Source looks like, and how it appears to us. We time-travel by merging with the Source, and this will be seen as a possibility once the human race is capable of developing the many portals and stargates that will be used for physical teleportation to different realms.

It will be seen that as we travel into an entirely different universe, we will be able to peer back from where we started, and observe ourselves -- all the many paralleling realities, and probabilities, through the timeless prescience of the eye which sees through the vantage of the multisphere. By thus viewing our universe, and the earth, from the vantage of the multisphere, we may integrate ourselves at any point in human history, to act as guides and catalysts, in order to prevent certain events. We are become the managers of the props and scenery of this reality, as Philip K. Dick imagined with the "Adjustment Team" -- invisible to the human eye, otherwise seen when we choose to be seen, we are time-travellers through our ability to enter into the multisphere and peer back at the earth from the vantage of the many universes that exist.

"Right now, the earth is rising in vibration, a merging of the dimensions, to which we are moving entirely beyond the fourth, into the fifth octave. This is believed to be entirely new, as we most typically reside within the fourth dimension. Moving entirely beyond the fourth, into the fifth, we mecome time-travelers capable of bending time and space to our own liking, as we operate through the self-contained Merkabah Vehicle, and travel from universe to universe from the volition that we possess, as proxy-embodiment for the energy of the Source to be relayed back to mankind that exists in a endless flux between earth, body, source, and multisphere, that never ends, but only goes on, infinitely, for as far as the continuum exists. It is said that "what goes on here on the Earth will affect the entire universe as a result" and how profound a thought to imagine -- are we really that important to the rest of the many existences within the unisphere..? How come the earth seems to be such a vibrant hotspot for growth and learning..? Why, because we are much like the center of the universe."

How is the earth the center of the universe..?

The center, which is everywhere, and the circumference, which is nowhere, is a concept that has been perceived, and the mind struggles, essentially, to grasp the entirety of the concept, as this is only a result of time, but I calmly believe it to be so: "All bodies are gravitated to the center of the universe as a result of time and matter existing in perfect synchronous flow with the eventualities and probabilities of human existence. We became the center of the universe as a result of so much life coming to our planet -- simply as a result of being the most densely-populated star in this universe, we have become the center, of course, this was not always so, it is as a result of the onset of the New Age. We have, as a result of Time, become the center, and as a result of being the center, only more bodies and souls are gravitated to the earth as a result of having found ourselves as the most important star within the universe."

"What goes on here on the earth will affect the entire universe as a result" -- we know this, it is a concept many minds are starting to share, and our importance to the rest of the universe is growing widely apparent to the many races that exist within the multisphere. We all chose to incarnate here, in spite of our victimizations and trauma, it was all a matter of choice, and we ended up here in a planet which is much like a college, learning system, in order to become purified by the incarnation system -- we were gravitated here as a result of the inborn code within our souls which inherently sought a place for the most life to exist. The Earth became the center of the universe as a result of time and mass inhabitance, and now that this is so, great questions resound in light of the thought the world could actually end.

All bodies thus gravitated as a result of being the conceivable "hotspot" of the universe, for this world to end, yes it would seem the entire universe would be affected by the darkness pervading from the cancered cell -- thus Hell would take the place where Heaven is primed to be. Many egoists like to pretend there are only "two roads" we can walk, either life, or death. If there are only two roads that we can walk, and the world is really eventing her way toward a pole shift or some cataclysmic global changes that will decimate the human race, it would seem we must defeat the evil of this world, but produce a third option, an anomalous notion which was never wholly expected by the human race -- and that is to evacuate.

As the earth has become the center of the universe, and the perceived "evil of this world" would like nothing more than to see the Milky Way rid of life, but left a vacant cell of radiation and decay, we are thus forced to take it upon ourselves to be single-handed saviours, super-heroes, and saviours of the world. We must all save the world, in our own right, as tsunami destroyed New Orleans, and much of Japan is suffering the radiation born from the plants destroyed in their own cataclysmic tides. "Global Warming" is a growing fear, as a result of our emissions -- and prophets like Edgar Cayce who delved into the Akashic Records, has drawn, that, "yes, the Earth is in for a shift of the poles." We are in for a shift of mass proportions, both spiritually, and physically, and the time to start preparing for the "final showdown" of the joining of good and evil in order to fight that common enemy known as time, we will not let the world end -- we are all saviours of the world in our own right, and we all have the option of that third, anomalous choice, to evacuate.

How will we evacuate..?

This is found through the existence of higher life-forms. Our saviour is born from the stars, and they exist invisible to the human eye, as they are living within a higher vibratory frequency, this frequency is lowered when their ships are seen within our skies, and we perceive them in the physical body. They are our brethren from the stars, and in spite of the law which states clearly, that no race can intervene with another race until that race has become a class 3 civilization which lives in symbiosis with their home planet. . . . Tragically, we are no such civilization, but we destroy our home through the life we create that exists much like a virus. Thus the law is being broken, and many extra-terrestrial visitors are now within the masses, in their own human hosts, acting as guides and catalysts for physical communion, they have caused great karma for their race, and are suffering the consequences for intervening as they have -- but as the earth is the center of the universe as a result of timing, and mass inhabitance, the rule thus broken in order to save what would seem the most important part of the universe, that path has been walked, and the karma will be experienced on mass levels -- the dream of awakening awaits us all, as a result of the Light which is here now, enveloping the earth in her ghostly, noospheric body.

The visitors have come to prime us with the thought of evolution so that we could end up as equals within their midst. We are being primed for physical communion. Many lightworkers will leave the earth, and return to their original homes. "Much confusion will wash over the human race as great numbers of what would seem the most vital souls, are leaving the planet in mass numbers in light of the truth, the earth is dying as a result of our wasteful ways, and we need to evacuate for a short period of time before the pole shift has come to pass." This is the truth, it is not theory, but fact drawn from many sources both akashic, living, and nonliving. The earth is in for a pole shift, mass geological changes will occur, the lightworkers will evacuate in three different waves, and the final wave will be massive. One must now make the choice to accept ones place within the Cosmic Family, and become initiated into the Galactic Federation, and live within the stars aboard one of the many starships, to peer back at the burning earth, while the planet is re-shaped -- or remain as one who must endure the pain of watching as the very body of his or her planet is destroyed by the workings of time, such that new land-masses are formed, and others are entirely submerged.

We all want peace, deep down in our hearts, and no one other than the suicidal truly want to watch as their fellow man are oppressed or abused. We all want to help one another, in the end, and there is simply no way we can stand and watch as the "evil of this world" take the center of the universe for their own malicious liking, we will not let this occur, but take it upon ourselves to re-join the Cosmic Family, as a result of the cataclysms, and then return to the Earth once it is safe enough to re-inhabit. This is the Plan, and it will reach fruition . . . the evacuation is theorized to house a number in the billions, which I truly believe, and it will seem that instead of re-incarnating, many citizens will be put into hypersleep, as we travel to the Source of the universe, aboard the Noahs Ark, only to wake up once we have reached our destination, the New Earth, New Eden, unboard, re-populate the planet with a race of peace-loving equals who bow to the highest leaders, and at last -- have reached that eventual conclusion of the last-standing civilization of equals of Light and fortitude -- for the infinitude of matter and time, to flow endlessly, through the multisphere, as the beautiful, radiant, blue star known as the New Earth.

This futurity exists, and we will equalize ourselves unto the final Light. We shall see that growth does not cease at the age of twenty-six, nor does the impetus to learn new information as a result of our evolvement through the cosmic continuum. We are all bound to return to the Source, to recall our primordial history as God, to return to the Earth in a infinite relay between Source and body, that leaves profound ripples in the unisphere. Our thoughts beget action, our actions beget thought, in a perfect formulaic pattern of endless manifestation, and we shall see as a result of the Light, that we manifest our realities directly, and we produce the end-result by imagining it to exist -- as we are goal-oriented creatures, the plan must be discussed, must be meditated on, and shared. The whole notion of evacuation is hard to believe, that we might be "whisked away" -- it is a sad truth that we must evacuate, but that truth resounds as a potential new opportunity, such that as "the wheat are separated from the chaff" the remaining stalk shall be rife for renewal, and the Earth left as a place to be made new for the Light of New Eden to exist.

As a result of our mass inhabitance thus transforming our home into the center of the universe, it will be that many bodies are purified by the onset of the geological shifts that lie ahead. We were gravitated here as a result of being the center, and we came to the earth in order to learn about ourselves and what it truly means to exist, especially within the third dimension. The third dimension, and time, have only served as a brief experiment in the grand scope of the cosmic continuum, and as time exists, "time is invariably moving into the future" -- we are there now, in the future, peering back, and the end-result, as thus imagined, has reached manifest through our direct expressions, and cogitations as related to that divine subject of evolution. Evolution is the end result, and twelve-strand DNA is the physical evidence of the change. Many will be unveiled to possess certain powers, we are all bound to learn that God exists in the human body, and as we are in the future now, through the manifestation of the hologram of the third dimension, time and matter, such that our evolvement was a natural result of the prophecy laid down by the Mayans. They set a date, we decided this was a logical time to incarnate, and as a result of the self-fulfilling prophecy, we arrived, right on time.

We were free-floating souls capable of shifting form who communicated telepathically and would teleport from one locale to the next in the mere blink of an eye -- we were of a liquid-light protoplasmic material that writhed on the ether of the higher dimensions, well before we ever incarnated into the human body. And this thus remembered, as we imagine the sphere which surrounds the body, or the double tetrahedron which spins in both directions, to the rainbow aurora, nebulous mass which is projected from the crown chakra into the heavens above, we employ energy to be the matter of our existence, and as we are all energy, in essence, we shall writhe on the imaginations capacity to imagine this "stuff" to exist as a truly living matter, as the dimensions merge, into our final reality.

Our final reality, to which we are living the final incarnation in the New Age, to which we ascend and take this body with us into the heavens -- is a reality that exists as a goal within the mind, imagining the perfect avatar self, and equalizing into this image through the repeated exercise of imagining it into existence.

This perfect self manifests as a result of timing and synchronicity, from one book, one author, one believer, one guide, all leading in consecutive flow to the next, in a neverending slope that will not stop until the dream of awakening has occurred. Once we are enlightened, we will know the change has taken place, we feel renewed by the higher dimensions, and the symbols contained within our dream shall awaken our subconscious minds from the deep sleep that was the third dimension. It is all in effort toward merging with the higher dimensions, moving into that fifth octave, such that we are become ascended masters, and returned to our original grace as the twelve-strand super-terrestrials who originally seeded the planet with Light. It is all a matter of remembering, such that the extrasensory talents we will develop are only things we used to know in previous lifetimes as mystics, and believers in the unknown. Teleportation is the future in transportation, a self-contained vehicle powered by the Light of our DNA, and telepathy is the future in communication, non-local thought-transferrence unto which thought is shared through influence of the broadcaster. These "skills" are hard-wired into our DNA, they will be remembered, and they will act as proof, living evidence of the change within our DNA. This reality, what we make of it, is seemingly not as logically-oriented as we would've imagined, but visitors from the cosmos have come to spread their seed of Light due to the dying planet, they exist, and we are now in union with them through channeled text and the apparent lights in the night sky.

Marciniak, Anka, Klein, Tuella, Beaconsfield, Lazaris, Norman, the list goes on with individuals who are coming out of the shadows with information of the infinite. These people seriously claim to "channel" their information from a foreign source, and what is most interesting is how much of the information -- bearing a universal tone -- seems to agree from one author to the next, such that these thoughts were all essentially derived from the same Source, the Akashic Records. The information has come as a result of the prophecy laid down by the Mayans. Our humble visitors from the stars are seeding us with primers, and preparing us for physical communion through channeled text, dreams, and cosmic reverie. The process has begun, and yet, many have physically communed with the extra-terrestrials, gone aboard their ships, and traveled to entirely different star-systems, already, such that many are ascending to that heightened DNA strand which raises their vibratory level such as to be able to stand in the midst of the ascended masters, and extra-terrestrials. In the final analysis, "we have risen in vibration to become capable of enduring their energy, we were primed by subconscious means, through channeled text, and cosmic reverie, to rise to the level of our cosmic ancestors, and we are, invariably, nearing the time for mass, global intervention on a mass level."

The extra-terrestrials have prepared us through dreams and akashic insight, in primer for physical intervention. They have planted the seed of Light, so many ages ago, so that that seed may be germinated by the living information, to rise in vibratory level capable of withstanding the energy of our other-wordly visitors. The Light as found within our DNA thus illumined by the workings of Time and the close of the Mayan calendar, we rise to the vibratory level capable of enduring the energy of higher life-forms, and we succeed in learning from them, as we are learning from them now, we were primed by channeled text, the text found its way into our imaginations, and our beliefs were elevated to accept the notion of intervention from the stars. "The Plan reached fruition by imagining it to exist, as the self-fulfillng prophecy has reached full manifest, we have been raised in tone and frequency in order to withstand their emanating Light. We evolved -- mutated to meet the demand of our higher selves, such that we eventually reached eclipse at some point, once we were fully actualized, and thus capable of enduring the vibrations of that other-wordly visitor."

What are some of the known extra-terrestrial visitors..?

Sirians, who come from the star-system of Canis Major, are probably the most outstanding race we know of, as it is believed that the "Vortex of Sirius" is one of the divine founts to which the Light is emanating through. They are people of the sun, often with dark skin, who appear much like human beings. Ones "dream of awakening" is believed to have been sent by Sirius, and the Light which is enveloping this earth at this time is theoretically born, from Sirius, as one of the many sources that are raising the planetary vibration.

The Pleiadians, our heavenly storytellers, are very human in appearance, and come from the Pleiades constellation also known as the seven sisters. It is a new star-system made up of the seven stars with the brightest star of Alcyone, and is theoretically connected to an entirely different universe. They are benevolent believers in evolution, and they are probably one of the most advanced peace-loving societies that exist within the universe.

The Zeta Reticuli, are a widely known group involved with many abductions and genetic experiments. They have an agreement with our government to exchange high-tech devices in exchange for conducting experiments on the human race, however lacking in awareness thoughts surrounding this twisted notion may be, it is true. Some of them are malignant, and as they are emotionless, all of them appear the exact same, like a civilization of clones, it was through their lack of individuality that their world would end, so the Zeta Reticuli traveled to the planet Earth, in order to learn from a race of individuals, such that our evolution is somewhat tied into theirs. Many have had dreams of experiencing the pale, expressionless, noseless visage of that Zeta face, and yet, very few are willing to share their stories of "being aboard the ship." The Zeta's are one of the most prominently known extra-terrestrial races, such that through hybrid creations there is a genetically-altered race of Human/Zeta known as the Essassani.

The Essassani are a hybrid race of human and Zeta Reticuli, who are time-travelers, such that the Zeta's are unsure of just how this came to be, as they are communing with their future selves, and "Bashar" one of the many Essassani messengers, has started to channel through various hosts, and has been found sitting alongside the Zeta's aboard their starships as they observe the planet Earth. Many races are working together -- and how profound to imagine that a race born from the genetic alterations of the hybrid human/Zeta race, have traveled back in time to spread their seed of Light, "again" -- in a infinite relay of information exchange that will not cease until we are, ourselves, peering into the dark, expressionless eyes of the extra-terrestrial visitor.

The Reptilians, Annunaki, and all other denominations of the most un-advanced, and essentially cold beings of the universe deserve little mention. The very thought of a race capable of interstellar travel, only to breed control, and spread chaos, is offensive, and we will not stand by and observe as these power-hungry fiends seem to think it allright to enslave a race of what are essentially, innocent, creatures of God. They exist, they may always exist as there is always a parellel to the coin of goodness, I believe they will be forced to move on as a result of the overpowering influence of the more benevolent races. I have been adbducted in my infancy, and I believe this was either a Zeta Reticulan, or Annunaki, priming me with the thought of my own extra-terrestrial heritage, but, essentially, tampering with my reality, and intervening in a life which might've run differently if I weren't given such a vivid primer . . .

There are literally thousands of different races in the known universe, and we are not aware of all of them, as that would be impossible. The universe is endless. It never ceases to grow, and once we are found interstellar travelers akin to the Pleiadian explorers, it will be seen that races are discovered which we will learn, are far in advancement beyond the human race. This futurity of interstellar travel exists, and it will reach manifest. I believe, that the Pleiadian/Sirian connection is the highest one, and it will be found that working with these two specific races, our further evolvement will reach the highest forms of fruition. The Sirians are endowing us with the Light of the vortex, and the Pleiadians are endowing us with the Light of the photon belt, the rings of Alcyone. Through the merging of the dimensions, as we rise into the fifth octave, what energy was once invisible will be now seen, and
"we will peer through energetic eyes at the matrix of reality, standing outside the matrix, and able to peer through the vantage of the multisphere." We will know what we desire to know, learn what we desire to learn, and encounter beings we had always desired connection with. "There is no power more divine to the human race than connection with another individual." -- -- This truth resounds, and many will reach the same revelation. The highest act is to connect with another person, on some level, and this is essentially what we are all seeking in conquest toward meeting our brethren from the stars. Of course, this is essentially a reunion, as they are our original family, and we knew them back when we were free-floating soul-bodies in the fourth dimension. "They are our guides. Our angels, and our inhibitors of the highest forms of reality and Light. We pray to them daily for the sake of mankind, and we believe that peace will resound for the human race in light of our newfound connection with the higher life-forms."

"What we are doing here is preparing the rest of the human race for connection with higher life-forms. The whole experiment of two-strand DNA and the third dimension has only been a test of our free will, to see if we would make the choice to recall our primordial power, and writhe through the power of our illumined DNA. In recent analysis, we see evidence of the change already. Through evidence of the extrasensory, the presence of so much new channeled material, and the growing number of UFO's in our night-skies, we see that the plan is reaching fruition, and that day of global communion nears us, thus re-united as a result of Time, and the prophecy laid down by the Mayans, as we all chose to incarnate at this pivotal point in human history, to live in union with our brethren from the stars."

We are set to find the new religion of Light and universality. Many races and ethnicities will align to the collective agreement of leaving the earth for a brief sojourn within the stars, only to return once the geological shifts have reached a perceivable end. The evacuation is real, it is set to occur, however unimaginable the thought of being whisked away by higher life-forms to our original home within the stars. All human atoms are born from smashed stardust, and we are all essentially come from the same fount of Light, the Source of the universe, and it will be seen, that through physical entrance into the Source we will become, physically, One with All, and thus spread the seed of Light to entirely different universes than this. "Become "interversal travelers" we will see many dimensions merged unto the fifth octave, and as we exist in the fifth dimension, we will teleport, we will fly, and we will, verily, walk through walls."

"Twelve-strand DNA allows extrasensory talents, however lacking in scientific evidence this may be, Christed DNA unto the 3.5th strand, a mutation is growing in numbers with many a lightworker on the planet Earth. We see this through evidence of the ontological shifts born through the extrasensory -- that we are rising in vibration to allow the intervention of higher life-forms, to invite us back to our primordial Home. We are all born from the stars, essentially, and this is all event that is leading up to an essential return to our primordial home. We are verily eventing our way back to the Source, and once entered into, once the seed has been germinated by the multitude of lightworkers, the entire universe, multiverse, thetaverse, and all that exists, will be collectively enlightened by the mass aggregate of divine souls known as the super-terrestrial human race."

As a result of being the central locale for learning and information -- the perceived "center of the universe" and all bodies thus gravitated to the center as a result of the natural workings of life within the unisphere, we have come here to learn about ourselves, and we incarnated into the human body a number of times order to become purified by the natural workings of Time. The walls of the universe flex with our attainment of new information . . . "We shall spread the seed of Light, infinitely, for as long as we exist, and existence, as it is infinite, will only show us new roads to walk, new information, and new thoughts to revise the infinite hall of Akashic Records."

We are all born from the same Source, and we are all geared to end up at that place once again, in a infinite relay between body and imagination -- to which we have survived through the incarnation system to end up purified at the other end, and having found ourselves within the recess of the final incarnation, we know where we have been, we know where we wish to go, and our futurity lies within the stars. "We incarnated at the center of the universe, because we wanted to have the most powerful experiences, and most powerful Light flow through us as a result of the great low, which only lead to a great high. We experienced the darkness and separation of two-strand DNA in the third dimension, and this went on for some time, and then the Light arrived as a result of the self-fulfilling prophecy, the Light entered our body, we started to return to our primordial grace, and we exist in the future now, peering back at the cosmic continuum from the vantage of enlightened eyes."

Enlightenment, lightbody, the Merkabah vehicle, has already begun with the masses, such that it is believed a number in the millions exist in lightbody at this time. We are seeing growing evidence of the extrasensory, and our beliefs are being re-shaped as a result of these synchronistic events. Channeled text is preparing us for physical communion, we are being primed, prepared, and readied, for evacuation . . . however infinitely hard to imagine, this is a resounding possibility, and yes, darkly-perceived it may be that only "144,000" souls are saved, the perfect number of zodiacal archetypes as found aboard the theoretical Noahs Ark, a mass exodus of souls who event their way through the stars back to the Source, while the masses remain in hypersleep as the crew of 144,000 man the ship. I truly believe that all will be saved, and the choice-point of deciding if we want to stay on the earth to experience the geological shifts, or reside within the stars, safe from this burning locale, is going to be up to us, as our beliefs are invariably affected by the presence of higher life-forms.

Some are simply "not ready" and will not board the ships, but remain on the earth, to die within the physical body, as it is perceived as humble that if we must experience the death of our loved-ones, we must die ourselves, in due reciprocity to the laws of karma and existence. This is tragic but it may occur as a result of ones deep-down feeling of responsibility as the notion of equality persists. The thought that we all die, is, however, a great falsity, we merely re-locate. And now that we are incarnated in the New Age, we are entering into Lightbody, our DNA is revitalized, and we start to remember our primordial place within the stars. We start to remember that we have "been here before" -- such that certain past-life information may creep into ones illumined psyche, to even deeper details of which some are discovering they are born, inherently, from a source that is far beyond the earth.

We refer to these as "starseeds." People incarnated on the planet earth, with a certain extra-terrestrial heritage, ranging from Zeta, to Pleiadian. We have dreams that remind us what it was like to live on other worlds, and as we have lived through the third dimension as a human being, we have known, calmly, and carefully, that there is something deeply wrong with the world, such that we came here as a result of our own personal desire to act as examples for the change that awaits the futurity of the race. Our awakening is to discover that we must serve no one but the master that lies within, the soul, the higher self, such that existentially growing as a result of our experiences which shape our beliefs, we arrive at the final deducement that we know we were never really meant to be human, but merely chose to as a result of the "mission" which lies within our DNA. We incarnated as human beings, from an extra-terrestrial past, to act as seeds for germination of the cell of reality, to raise the planetary vibration for global intervention. Such that we are become the adjustment team managing the props and scenery of this reality -- through the final analysis, we exist outside of time, and we know that existence, as infinite it may be, does reach some conclusions, and we are learning, invariably, from the endless fount of knowledge born from the Akashic Records -- that belief is endless, it never ceases to change and grow, such that our belief is "belief in itself" and we operate with the epigenetics of a self-mutated DNA strand. Our belief, and shared, collective thought, is human evolution.
"We evolve as a result of our desire to do so, as a result of our free will, and then exist as primers for the rest of the race, preparing the masses for the global onset of the great knowledge which exists for all of us to know."

It was our mission to enlighten the human race to the thought of extraterrestrials. It was our task, our journey, to spread the seed of living information, the Light to which this universe is invariably composed, so that we could return to the Source -- collectively, aboard the Noahs Ark, to remember our place as the original God who is responsible for all of this, to reach one-consciousness, nirvana, the mass aggregate of all enlightened souls thus composited to a singular existence, the Universal Mind of God/Goddess/All-That-Is.

We are all, essentially, born to act as primers for further evolvement. We are here to guide, and to express our free will as illimitably powerful. And we are all guides, to some degree. This is the "free will universe" according to Pleiadian sources, such that any one soul can gain as much power as he or she so desires. Thus, much disinformation exists, as well as the general excess of possibilities created by the many human media's of art, film, and music. We are so flooded with ideas, that our ability to focus on one solidified belief becomes a painstaking task. We are desensitized to the thought of extra-terrestrials due to the overpowering amount of fictions and self-fabricated notions regarding higher life-forms, such that the media has gone to great lengths to put the extra-terrestrials on such a high pedestal that we could never imagine ourselves as equals with them. The media has succeeded, essentially, at inhibiting us with fear surrounding the notion of higher life-forms. Thankfully the Pleiadians and Sirians exist in reciprocity to these low vibrations. Capable of interstellar travel and antigravity starships, but still bent on control and manipulation: these beings have had their time in the sun, but that time is soon to be washed away by the powerful influences of such races as the Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, and Essassani.
"All will exist together as equals unto the radiant spell of the illumined New Earth, and New Eden shall rise from the ashes of the olde. It will be a rebirth of the Essene brotherhood, a land of resounding peace and unity. Utopia. Such that we perceive it will be a thousand years of peace in the shift to come, until any conflict will ever break out between us, such that we are involved in the process of evolution, again, invariably, through an infinite flux through the cosmic continuum."

We evolve by thinking in terms of the now, and as chaos theory suggests, in accordance with the subconscious mind, that although patternless, things invariably "add up in the end." Such is true with this universe, and the Mayans knew this well. However disorderly and seemingly chaotic, no one can deny the existence of the date, however miserable, sad, or tragic, life has been, the date resounds, it exists as a permanent, fixed goal, and now that we are finally at the close of the Mayan calendar, we see the chaos bore a logical trait after all, and the goal of human evolution is being realized by the masses, in an astounding number. The self-fulfilling prophecy has reached fruition -- we have experiences in telepathy and teleportation to act as evidence of the change, however varied and seemingly impossible these reports may be. They are surfacing more and more, with many a person seeming to have their life saved, or thus guided by the power of some higher force. We are being protected, watched over, and cared for, by the Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, Essassani, and what good renegades exist within the pews of the Annunaki and Greys. And this is all in event of the Cosmic Spring.

The cosmic spring is now, in this very moment. It is a state of mind that will be realized, and will invariably "feel the radiating love of God throughout our every six trillion cell."

"The great experiment of the earth has gone on for some time now, and now through the mass plethora of existences on the earth, we have "become" the center of the universe, and for this, the world can not end -- it begins, such that the "Cosmic Spring" is nye to be upon us all, and we will walk through the crystalline sands of New Eden in all futurity to come."

"A certain author, guide, or text will catalyze the spiritual unfolding, and our DNA will become activated to a new strand, which begins in the onset of the dream of awakening. This is epigenetics, the control of ones own environment for the benefit of their future growth. Through control of the environment, and all that inhibits our senses in the known reality, we shift our RNA proteins, cause a mutation at the genetic level, and reach, as a result, the Christed DNA."

By thus controlling our environs, and all that steps into our lives, from people, places, events, synchronized into the true workings of our natural, inborn rhythm, and through a certain occlusion that divides us from the rest of mankind as seen through various uniqueties, we are thus made worthy players in the show of evolution through the expression of unique individuality that we possess. We all want to be original, different, new, deep down in our hearts, for the inner striving for attention -- "that strong desire, just begging to be judged for the purity that we know." And it is through desire and feeling -- control of these faculties within the mind that we cease to age, enter into lightbody, and officially start to grow well beyond the age of twenty-six. The evidence is mounting that people are entering into lightbody more and more every day now, and it is suggested, however darkly-perceived, that a number of "at least" a couple million of us will be saved in the great cleansing that lies ahead. Of course a couple million lightworkers, out of seven billion humans, is not a very great number, and yet, this ought to reflect how autonomatized, system-set so many people are. We seek to evacuate the burning, wasted, decayed planet earth, for the quickening of time to place us in the hands of New Lemuria, New Eden, the New Earth, a New World, once the great cleansing has ceased -- of which everlasting peace resounds, and all the misery that was strife, war, fighting, and discord, of the old earth, is absolved by the new. "All shall be absolved by the collective Light of the many starseeds, walk-ins, and lightworkers. We came with a purpose in mind, we are on a mission, and as cold, emotionless, or seemingly uncaring the extra-terrestrials have been perceived, we only want peace and equality for all races within the universe. Many shortcuts had to be taken, many rules broken, but alas, the Light would find away. And it has found a way into the DNA of millions of people now. In the eventual final analysis, all will be saved, invariably, every soul who has ever walked the earth, and it will be the time of The Great Show -- when all souls exist in radiant eclipse, and we are returned to our original grace as the divine human collective of twelve-strand DNA."

In spite of the darkness surrounding notions of the vast geological changes that will soon be affecting the earth, it is inevitable that the earth would grow tired of the hateful ways of Man, and cleanse herself of our existence. The lightworkers know that the earth is "flushing us out" so we have taken preemptive measures to evacuate at a time when it is most appropriate for the collective human race. We accept that our time here is done, however we shall be invited back in due time. It is perceived that the darkness that will wash over the earth, preceding the collective light, is nye to be about seven years of which the earth will be unliveable, as we reside safe within the stars, many of us will be in hypersleep, only to return to the earth -- the New Earth -- with many stories to tell, and much new information to share with the survivors of the great cleansing. Yes, there will be some survivors. We know this in our heart of hearts, and we pray they will take good care of the earth while we are away, on our sojourn within the stars. You may be one of them, and your leadership may be required in the end-times ahead. There is a place we refer to as "New Pangea" that will be like a rebirthing of the divine Essene brotherhood, to which a few lightworkers will remain as leaders to the rest of the race, and the earth is verily prepared for the final invitation to the Cosmic Family, the Galactic Federation.

"We will be One with the many races that exist in the unisphere, and we will sit alongside many races in the pews of the cosmic judgment hall, as we decree other planets worthy of the Light, and accept our fate as having been born with mission in mind, this mission may never end, we thus travel to new worlds, to spread the seed of Light, to "save the world" again, as we have done countless times in previous existences, on entirely different planets than the Earth. Once the Earth is saved, and we are found moving on to other worlds, we shall return as this will be our home-base, and always relay back the energy of God, back to the Source, infinitely, as we are all eventing our way back there in the eventual process of it all."

Upon the great cleansing, the Eartheans will be forced to move on, such that our center will re-locate to the next most populated locale of the universe, and it is perceived that a mass exodus to Venus is set to occur in our near future. Life has been proven to exist on mars by Hoagland, with images depicting monuments, pyramids, and even a face. Life has been proven to exist on many of the planets within our solar system, however invisible to the human eye they may be -- they simply operate at a higher dimensional frequency than us, but alas, in the rise of vibration, we shall be found equals with their frequency in due time ahead. We are, I believe, going to transfer our bodies to the planet of Venus, and make this the new center of the universe, "for all the life that was vivacious upon the earth, to be re-located to a different place; we have made a living Hell out of this blue star -- if only you could hear the resounding scream that emanates from the planet earth when the star is monitored from a great distance. A resounding "scream" emanates from the planet earth, and it infects the rest of the unisphere with hateful energy."

How did the center of the universe become so polluted..?

"Through mass inhabitance, over time, of creatures of which unchecked emotions, and an excess of fear energy, causing a sickness in the planet, such that we are not living in symbiosis with the star, creating a form of sickness that has forced some to refer to us as the "dark star". Or the planet of darkness. And for this, a rise in vibration is required in order for the earth to cleanse herself of the human race. It was inevitable."

"Shifting the attention to Venus, our existence there is imaginable, however we will have risen in vibration, such that the races which already exist on Venus will be seen to us. The planet earth will be safe from all the awful attention of being the center, but revert back to "just another planet" within the many star-systems that exist. And resounding peace will emanate from our hearts as we are eventing our way back, verily, to the Source of the universe." This eventing back to the Source, is predicted to occur, but "what time" is a resounding mystery. "As time does not really exist, and we will become sequencers of the matter of the cosmic continuum through life in the fifth octave, finding ourself at The Source occurs the moment the thought bears the possibility of action. We will be there, instantenously, teleported by the living starship of our collective aggregate of souls. And as we event our way into the Source, we will stand outside of Time, having returned to our primordial Godliness, perceive the many universes, and step through the mirror, from one dimension to the next, as interdimensional travelers, re-dispersing the seed of Light wherever it is needed within the multisphere."

The future of the Light is existence within entirely different star-systems than the Milky Way. Many of us are going to find ourselves living within the Pleiades. Many of us are going to find ourselves returning to our true, primordial homes in the stars. This is the futurity of man, and human evolvement, to the greatest degree of perceivable destinae. Such that "it is all a matter of remembering where we came from." The burning vortex of the Source radiates Light in all directions, and as the ship nears the radiating vortex, and we start to get gravitated into its magnetic pull, all bodies aboard the craft will be wholly enlightened to God-embodiments, the crew, the masses in hypersleep, all reverted back to the original interversal travelers that we all were before incarnating into the third dimension.

"Thus become the police of the multiverse, angelworkers and ascended masters, all of us, in perfect synchronous flow with the universal energies, we are physically deified to the highest conceivable degree in omniscient perceptions. We know ourselves as the God who is responsible for all of this, we remember very well all the places we have been, all the places we would like to go, and we are omnisciently aware, omnipresently divined unto the radiating perfection of the radiating Source of the universe. What future exists beyond physical entrance into the radiating Source, as the walls of the unisphere fluctuate with our attainment of new information, the Akashic Records infinitely revised, we peer into the infinite depths, and we see, that it has been achieved: the totality of knowledge, thus we re-create the world anew, a New Earth, to incarnate into. This time, "things will be different."

"The New World, as theoretically found on Venus, or one of the many stars in the Pleiades constellation, will resound as a land of unity, peace, and understanding. It will be of a mass population, unto which all communicate through the same language of the divine tongue, and all ethnicities and classes of individuals are compartmentalized unto a single civilization of closely-connected, telepathic individuals. The New Earth exists within our minds eye, and we breed it into creation through imagining it to exist. With the close of the Mayan calendar, and events of the extrasensory already re-shaping our beliefs, evidence of the change, further knowledge suggests we know, in our hearts, that as tragic it may seem, the Earth has way too much negative life-forms -- such that she is suffering under the weight of so many, essentially, soulless individuals."The wheat will be separated from the chaff" and those uncaring, selfish, greedy souls who took the power all for their own, are bound to be forced to return to their primordial stars, in this desperately male-oriented society, when the truth of our real natures lie in the feminine aspects. In the shift to come, these individuals will find their karma at the highest degree of moral catharsis, and reach a choice-point whether to proceed into the Light, or remain in the depths of ignorance for only tragedy to resume."

"Thus shifted from fear-energy into the righteous, true, living, endless and infinite love-energy, it will seem life has started anew, like the De Novo mutation is perceived as a new beginning, it will be found that in the final waves of evacuation, to which in the final evacuation, the ships will be visibly seen in the skies, and many will make the choice to either move on, and accept their cosmic heritage, such that this is a good thing, and in spite of leaving the Earth behind to be overswept by pole shift and geological changes, we will reside in the stars for a brief sojourn, and then return to the Earth whence the time is right. We are in the times of the final incarnation, and if you die in the New Age, chances are, you will remain as a spirit-entity, or simply move on to an entirely different world than this. Most likely, you will return to your original, celestial home."

This information we are taking in, of course, is invariably leading to the dream of awakening. A dream of awakening is the greatest event of ones life, what it was all leading up to, such that once we are in lightbody, all dis-ease is absolved, we will, verily, find ourselves unto the direct expressions of the extrasensory as a result of the change within our DNA; we become lightworkers, endowed with the living information, and thus are born into the task of spreading information, the information we have come to know, as a direct result of our evolution. The Ashtar Command, text channeled from a high-tech race seemingly based on Venus, came to the world through a very unsuspecting source, who chose to remain anonymous for fear of unnecessary attention being drawn to him. This was an everyday businessman, and so it goes, the Light will find a way into the DNA of the most unsuspecting souls, and we are all subject to become hosts for divine, cosmic energy as a result of the change within our DNA. As we evolve, channeling will become something that we naturally do, and we are all bound to become Writers In The New Age. We shall take words for the vibratory energy they possess, allow our thoughts to be expressed through tonalities of Light as brought to the media of text, turn the pages on our thoughts, review them, hold them, and admire them for the beauty that they represent.

The "thought of a thought" is akin to notions of infinity, and just as no one can imagine non-existence, no one can imagine being totally vacant of thought -- as thought is energy, energy is endless, and energy will be found to become expressed as a result of the media known as Time. "Time is invariably moving into the future" and we know our futurity as found within the fifth octave, to become teleporters and time-travelers, shall learn that this experiment known as Time was only built to see if we could remember our true heritage as the God who is responsible for all of this, such that through lightbody/enlightenment/DNA activation, returning to our Godhood, peering from center to circumference, viewing ourselves from the apogee, the periphery, study ourselves, and find our focus reduced to the singular point of electric thought, perfect syllabic-flowing patterns within us, we are entering into the stages of "perfect thought" and this is a matter of synchronicity, that we are 'in line' with the workings of our spirit, and as the spirit writhes through our DNA, through the many expressions we shall find to validate the mutation, and express direct evidence of the Light, we become ultra-aware of ourselves, and we "event our way through these moments slowly" with a certain machinetic perfection, as we are all bound by the goal to evolve, it is the rise in DNA, from two-strand, into the eventual twelve, that was our essential primer, our essential goal, and now that that goal is finally being realized, we are starting to see how desperately chaotic, sad, and dependent certain people have been on us.

As starseeds and extra-terrestrial born people are often self-sacrificing, and will "take the blame" in a moments notice, such that we are inclined, in a mission-like pose, to exemplify ourselves to be learned from, as living guides, beacons of Light -- we "placed ourselves here" -- integrated ourselves into the masses, with the rest of the humans, in order to recall our primordial place within the stars. We are going to go back home, as tragic it will seem to leave the old world behind, and so many to question, blindly, as the starships finally leave earths atmosphere, and the remaining survivors are to be reckoned with by the earth changes . . . it will be a brief moment of sadness, as we peer into one anothers eyes, the further we get from the burning earth, the safer we feel, and yet, it will seem, this is nothing really new to us. We have done this before, as starseeds on other planets. We save the world, over and over again, as a result of the absence of God on certain planets. However lacking in true evidence, much new theory points to the notion we are born from the stars. In the book "Other Worlds, Other Lives" writer Brad Steiger details several first-hand accounts in regression therapy that resulted in subjects finding themselves on entirely different worlds. More and more people, some of seemingly typical human occupations, are coming out of the woodwork with their stories of extra-terrestrial remembrence. More and more people, every day, are starting to discuss this profound theory -- that our karma is a cosmic one, that relates to lifetimes lived on entirely different planets. We brought this karma with us, to be lived out on the planet Earth, only to be cleansed by the quickening of Time. Some are Pleiadian renegades, some Reptilian fiends, others are simple, peace-loving angelworkers whose heritage are as born from the angel-realm. Yes, there are "angels" incarnated with the rest of the human race. They are integrated into the masses throughout humanity, and act as servants to the extra-terrestrials, and the human race.

Just as the extra-terrestrials incarnated into the human body in order to experience the pain of separation, in order to guide the rest of the race, angels have incarnated to guide the starseeds, as workers of Light, peace, and unity. We all work together, in the final analysis, and no one is to be left out of The Great Show that awaits us. We all have a purpose, a design, and the free will to express ourselves as individuals.

The Zeta Reticuli study the human race for our individuality, as theirs is a race of emotionless, mass-mind entities who are like a race of clones. Our world, nearing completion, the perceivable "end" is the saviour to their world, as it is seen, for our world to end, a land of individuals, and theirs to end (which, their world did end, it is an occurrence that happens throughout the universe) -- we are evolving together, which produces many hybrid races within the unispere, from Essassani, to Pleiadian.

Just as it is theorized (however lacking in proof or evidence other than various petraglyphs depicting UFO's, and how mysteriously constructed so many ancient structures on the Earth are) -- it is perceived that we were genetically manufactured by certain lower life-forms, to result in our presently limited two-strand DNA. This genetic tampering, resulted in the subhuman two-strand race of servants. This manufactured race bred in order to be fed off of for our emotions, has gone on for quite some time, but the Mayans knew this could not go on forever, so that date was set, it existed powerfully in the foreground of our psyches -- and we found ourselves equalized by the Light, as a result of the natural procession of the equinoxes, and Time. Otherwise referred to as the "Reptilians" -- the beings who mixed their DNA with our own, to produce the race of two-strand human beings -- perfect sheep to be fed off of for our resounding lack of connection with spirit. We only had subconscious means; reverie, dreams, and akashic insight to guide us, as we lost our connection to spirit . . . "but the Light would find a way, it was buried within our DNA, and our DNA shall be illumined by the power of the One true Light. That spark existed, it was catalyzed by the new information, and we are, invariably, returning to our original grace as the divine race of twelve-strand DNA." "This futurity is the goal which exists within our collective unconscious, an eventuality that has already begun to reach manifest, and shall only continue to grow as a result of Time. Such that the time of darkness preceding the Light is nye to end, and we are finally returning to Light."

"Our illumined DNA will contain the information of the true reality, and we will peer from the apogee at the depths of the Living Matrix. As all is life, all is energy, all flows invariably back to the Source through the journey of existence, eventing our way back to one-consciousness, nirvana, and perfect sentient thought -- we lived through two-strand DNA, as servants, for quite some time, but now, that journey possesses a conceivable end -- as our DNA is unfolding unto the new filaments in strand, and we are remembering our true power in the free will universe, we are becoming super-terrestrial, the future race of enlightened people, One People, who operate on tones of universality, peace, and endless understanding. We are in a state of unconditional love, with heart open to all walks of life . . . we welcome any man or woman to guide us, as we know we are good people to allow ourselves to be "changed by our fellow man."

As the revelation will prove a lasting thought, that the highest achievment is "connection with another human being" we will operate through connection -- form great relationships, and forge beauty where darkness once emanated in its darkly-illumined glow of sadness and despair. "Rising from the ashes of the olde, we are the collective phoenix rising into the firmament of endless Light -- we are illumined by the power found within our DNA, and we know, calmly, carefully, that we have been here before. We know where we wish to go -- into the future of human evolution. We desire connection. We desire new thought, and new information. We want this journey to never end, but always radiate beauty where darkness once stood. We are the lightworkers of the universe, endowed with the original Christed DNA, rising into the firmament, ever-eventing our way into the New Earth."

Christians and orthodox religion have their own beliefs regarding the end of time. We perceive what is known as "the rapture" unto which all humans will be gravitated to the skies, to "rise into the Light, enter into the firmament and then become One with God, within the heavenly divide." This is no far-distant belief from the truth of the matter. As the earth is dying as a result of human influence, our wasteful ways, and many a lightworker are rising in DNA strand to the newer helix, we see that as a result of our evolvement, extrasensory talents are starting to surface, and many are starting to accrue to the thought of physical "flight" unto which we are self-contained vehicles who move at our own free will, and can literally "bend time and matter" to our own supernal liking. The rapture is a reality in light of the thought of evacuation. In the mass evacuations that are set to come, in time, as the earth is overswept by massive geological changes, we will be safe within the stars, peering back at the volatile planet, and live amid the Arcturians, Ashtar Command, and Galactic Federation, peering at the world from the vantage of the stars, safe aboard the craft, in close company with all other lightworkers, only to return after about seven years has gone by, to re-integrate into the planet, create new homes, new societies, and essentially, "start all over again." This was necessary, a logical result, and it occurs, over and over again, through the infinite flow of divine matter which pervades our bodies, pierces through our DNA, and fires off that phylogenic memory packet, every time we are born into other worlds with the mission of realizing the Light that lies within.

Regarding our eventual future -- we have the thought of evacuation now upon us, and the idea has existed for some time now. It is, of course, almost impossible to perceive. Like being whisked away to some far-distant world, a true fantasy. Our brethren from the stars have suggested that aboard the main craft, there is a designated room for each individual, plant-life is dispersed throughout the ship, and there are group meditations, psycho-imaginarium shows, group meditations, schools for learning, and much to do as we thrive on a free energy, there is no need for work other than our missions as found on other worlds. It is like a cruise-line, an ongoing party of souls, and so many lightworkers who pray to the same thought of ascension, and further evolution, the eventual return to the Godform, as the ship is the Noahs Ark -- all in event toward merging with the Source, to travel through the multispere, and spread our human influence, for all futurity to come. The main ship is massive, the primary housing of all human souls, and is operated by the ascended masters. I have been aboard the ship in a brief sojourn while my sight was not with me, my hearing was, and what I heard was very much like science fiction. In essence, we are all aboard the ship, now, in this very moment, it is simply a matter of waking up from the matrix of reality. As we wake up, and find ourselves aboard the craft, for all futurity to come, it will seem that the fictions are become truths, and we are living in a truly magical, seemingly fantastic world.

Could you imagine being whisked away to some starship within the sky..? Take it upon yourself to event your way through the thoughts for the belief to possess some imaginable sight of that last day of evacuation, when all the ships are seen. The world is changing as a result of Time, and we are nearing the eventual completion that had been awaiting us for so many years. "Whence the skies are filled with Lights, and the Pleiadians and Sirians unboard with open hand to greet us, and welcome into the Cosmic Family, it will seem that we may veer, for a second, out of disbelief, but their radiant eyes peering through the depths of our collective soul, we will see that our only salvation lies within the stars. We will accept this as a result of our movement through the cosmic continuum. We shall see, it was eventual that we would meet our cosmic brethren, to learn of that free energy, and to be thus re-intergrated into the Galactic Federation."

"All in event toward reunion with the Source and remembrance of the divine truth there are many more universes than this, that exist within the multisphere."

The multisphere is real, it exists, and once we step outside of time, through that infinite mirror, it will seem that our ability to travel is instanteous, and we are become time-travelers, living unto the fifth octave as operating through the fifth dimension, all will exist as radiant equals, and the collective starship, the mass aggregate of souls, as thus gravitated to new worlds such as Venus, Kepler-20f, or Mars, we will exist in many different places at once, quantumly entangled, and as telepathic lightworkers endowed with the original twelve-strand DNA, super-terrestrials, -- it will be seen that we are learned from by other races, and as it has been, what goes on here on the Earth affects the entire universe as a result. We are that important, that vital, and we are, in essence, the most divine race that exists within the unisphere. We know this within our hearts, it fills us with cosmic pride, and we like the thought of being teachers and guides, in our own right, for the sake of information, Light, the universe, and all that exists within this realm.

The human race has been put down, abused, and traumatized over the years. A collective heartbreak has washed over us, and ever since previous civilizations like Lemuria and Atlantis would reach an end, the thought of the "end of the world" is a growing fear with a great number of individuals now. Some are not ready to see the skies illumined by the craft of extra-terrestrial visitors. Some are not ready for the information that will come, and as it will be, the wheat shall be separated from the chaff, and we will equalize ourselves into the highest conceivable thought of evolution, invariably, once the collective awakening has washed over mankind, and we are, at last, returned to our original grace as members of the Cosmic Family. This is inevitable, a natural working of the existence of Time -- the close of the Mayan calendar invites us into a new world, a world of magic, spontaneity, and beauty. The Light which shall illumine the DNA of the masses in time to come, will elect us as a race worthy to sit alongside the many races within the unisphere. It is invariably occurring now as a result of the onset of the Light born from Sirius, and Alcyone. And the illumined DNA of all the lightworkers on the planet at this time, as suggested, produce a grid-work of Light that anchors our energy as primer for the existence of higher life-forms. Through subconscious means we are being primed for physical communion . . . rising in vibration to be able to withstand the high-frequency waves of that extra-terrestrial visitor.

It all begins with the subconscious, as many who are abductees have made the subconscious agreement, regardless of logical decision, but rooted within the depths of the mind, to be learned from by such races as the Zeta's. For the sake of our evolvement, we must make the conscious choice to be guided by higher life-forms, and we are making the choice to allow these beings to exist within our waking field of reality, as equals, to produce the thought of the idea "we are not alone, we never were, and the extra-terrestrials have been with us all along." In the final analysis, we perceive ourselves as humble to allow our guidance to be brought from a higher source. As righteous it would've been to save ourselves, the world is not in a good place right now, in spite of our technology and ability to communicate. Various beings perceive the world is in such a sad state of affairs, that it is simply "necessary" to intervene. This is so. If we had made the right choice toward peace and equality, there would be no crop circles, UFO sightings, dreams of abduction, or channeled text priming us with the thought of other life. We would be guided by ourselves alone, and need no other beacon other than our own human knowledge. Yet it would seem as a direct result of the evidence, our place within the stars is a growing belief, and we are, invariably, eventing our way back to live with our cosmic brethren, in direct union with the Pleiadians and Ashtar command, to remember ourselves as the very beings who are responsible for all of this, and know, carefully, and calmly, within our hearts, that the end of the world was a reality. Theories of pole shift rang true, and the entire planet is being re-shaped by the natural workings of Time. "Thus we shall return once the star is made liveable again, as a rebirth of the Essene brotherhood, praying to our highest leaders, and divined unto the final language of telepathy, we have returned to the primordial Light -- we have evolved as a result of Time, made interstellar travelers, and thus united with our true heritage within the rows of the many cosmic brothers and sisters of the free will universe."

This eventuality of human existence is imaginable, but not widely perceived. As many continue to work their jobs, and follow the most easily given road, as talk of "other life" starts to circulate between us, and it will seem that many a human being are endowed with the thought of extra-terrestrials, as many have witnessed UFO's, including myself, with many a witness complete with photographs and the evidence producing the thought that they exist, and yet, it would seem, the most pure evidence is channeled text, which oft agrees from one source to the next, through tones of universality, universal principles that are essentially derived from the cosmic source of the Akashic Records.

The primer of channeled text is a growing phenomena, and much of this is leading us to believe that our brethren from the stars, are, essentially, already with us. As we evolve, entered into lightbody as a result of the DNA activated through the dream of awakening, knowledge starts to flow through us, knowledge which is seemingly new, and we start learning at a faster rate, we cease to age, require less sleep, less food, but operate almost entirely as upon the photons emitted from the Light of our illumined DNA. With the eventual goal of ascension into the stars our belief that is a growing shared perception, and for each of us there is a space waiting aboard the craft for our union amid the stars to become finalized unto the final tones of knowledge and understanding. We will walk alongside the ascended masters, and learn directly from the most pure sources of divine information. The captain of the ship will convene in our midst, just as the divine crew all work together toward that eventual reunion with the Source.

We will live in peace amid the stars until the time to return to the Earth is upon us. Thus renewed by the geological changes, and the wheat separated from the chaff, our population reduced to a number in the millions, and all of those darkly-inclined souls forced to return to their original homes, it will be the New Earth that we live upon, and resounding peace will exist for all futurity to come for the inherently, divine, twelve-strand human race. "The earth has washed us clean, just as Time was invariably forcing us into the way of Light, to return to our original grace . . . we are eventing our way back home. The source emanates in a burning Light that gravitates us back to our original place as God. We are magnetized, quantumly entangled by the original fount of Light, as we are all born from the same Source, and it is all in event toward returning to the vortex. We return to the Source, are physically divined unto existence within the multisphere, and event our way into entirely different universes as a result of our divine volition as capable of movement, life, and animation."

This eventuality of the Source is a notion that is shared by many, and is essentially no new idea. It is referred to as "nirvana" that we perceive as "one-consciousness", to which all existences are collected unto one aggregate of the collective soul. The thought of losing our identity to the mass aggregate of souls collected unto one singular mind, the mind of God, is a somewhat fearful thought to some, but great safety resides within the mind of God. We all return to the Source eventually, and we all remember ourselves, invariably, for the divine beings of Light and fortitude that we had always, originally been, back in the earliest days of humanity.

The "final entity" is a life-form, like a living starship, that contains all life. It is the God-embodiment, Christ-entity which contains all other life, as the amorphous, perfected manifestation of all conceivable life as given to one sole existence. Through such cinematic themes as found through certain media, "he who is the most powerful shall act as a vehicle for the rest of the race." -- Souls who have left their physical body, and died, to remain in the bardo of purgatory until the time is rife for re-incarnation, it is to be seen that many souls shall be joined together unto the final entity, and many minds will think in unison unto the absolutized, unitive life of One. All will become One with the mind of God eventually. In this futurity, we shall find our highest leader -- a holofractal manifestation of the collective mind, essentially not real, however touchable as a tangible matter, even hallucinogenic experiences on the drug Detura have been known to produce seemingly physical, tangible hallucinations, this final entity shall defy time and law, our prophesized "super hero" to which all minds will invariably pray to . . . and this will be good, and we will have found the most powerful soul to guide us, our perfect leader, for all futurity to come. We pray for this to occur, as the "second coming of Christ" is found in the multitude, and many are to become enamored with the power born from the higher dimensions, as the wheat are separated from the chaff, it will be seen that "one stands out from all the rest." "The most powerful being, of open heart and mind, the theoretical perfect soul of divine, Christ essence, a joining of dark and light as equalized unto one sole entity -- who shall guide us, in our direct midst, as the perfect, most divine leader, of which our salvation is found. This holofractal proxy for the God-energy is a vehicle to which any of us can be a part of, and think together as unto the final mind of the final entity, with our identities merged unto a single thought of One -- yet, able to disperse, and return to our previous soul-bodies, in an endless flux between body and imagination that never ends, for as long as we are capable of being proxies for the God energy. We all take our turn as being God, and we all have a seat within that hovering orb, the double-tetrahedron, collective merkabah vehicle which travels from universe to universe as a result of our growth from the primordial cell, into a super-terrestrial in the fifth dimension."

Returning to our place as God, a thought that organized religion will try to put down, as so many will claim to be specialists in belief through a life that is essentially bound by the whims of other men, and orthodox religion. This belief that we are not equal is a falsity that will be washed away by time. We all have a right to become One with God, as we all produce our own realities, we all chose to incarnate here, and nothing is really left up to chance. All is synchronized, timed, rhythm'd, and perfected. The Mayans knew that time was not real, but merely an illusion, and they mapped out perfectly the space when the change would come. As a result of the prophecy, we have incarnated at this pivotal time in human history to act as guides for the human race, to act as living examples of the change that was primed for the mass awakening to occur, invariably, as a result of the procession of the equinoxes. Upon the dream of awakening that is lying dormant within all of our DNA, we are awakened to the true reality, know that "we have been here before, and we needn't re-incarnate." Just by knowing the incarnation system to exist, the system is shut down, and as this is the New Age of the final incarnation to which we shall ascend, physically, and take this body, and these memories, with us, until the end -- from earth life -- to futurity aboard the ship. We will ascend in this body to be taken with us aboard the craft. The ship exists, it is real, we shall all find ourselves within the stars, safe from the dying world, until the time is right to return, and re-convene with the survivors, with many stories to tell, and much to share of what we have learned through life in the outer realms.

"As the earth rises in vibration, becoming etherealized, unto the Noosphere, of which the gridwork of Light produced by the lightworkers, through our extrasensory talents and expressions of the Light, creating a relay between the photon belt of the rings of Alcyone, and the photons emitted from our DNA, this relay is infinitely entwined, flowing from DNA to soul, and soul to DNA, thus rising, mutating to meet the demand of our higher selves, the dimmer switch of our DNA is activated through the dream of awakening, the onset of information, and the living information which arrived as a result of time through the media of channeled thought, we are being primed, readied, for the final showdown."

This future thus imagined, held within the mind, and germinated with belief, shall reach fruition as a result of our movement through the cosmic continuum. Merging with the fifth octave, become teleporters and time-travelers, we will view the Akashic Records on a screen, such that various histories can be viewed directly, and just as it is theorized that when we die, we are led by a trio of angels to an ethereal screen which projects the details of our every earthly incarnation, it will seem that as we event our way into the future of much new technology, the psycho-imaginarium, and various other devices for learning, it will be seen that we learn directly from the Akasha, the living information, and flow through iridescent waves of Light the more information that we take in, and harbor for the sake of future advancement through the cosmic continuum. We will observe the mutiny on the bounty, the days of Christ, the days of Atlantis, Lemuria, and all earthly histories. The Akashic Records is alive -- information, is alive, and it travels, invariably, as a result of Time. Many great technologies will be employed aboard the ship, and it will seem like a true delving directly into the cinematic world of science fiction -- so far-fetched, yet, not very far away.

The thought of evolution is, however, shared and possessed, not wholly understood by the masses. Such that many are hard-set in their beliefs found through religion and preexisting belief systems, that "we have already evolved" and there is no further step beyond the point to which we have already reached. Of course this is false, and as we know there is a whole ninety percent of our brains we haven't been using, our evolution has only just begun. With the De Novo mutation, and other mutations, to which our DNA is activated, and the dimmer switch of the filaments of our DNA rise to that Christed strand, the future of evolution as born from the subconscious mind, is showing us direct evidence of a change that was prophesized to occur many civilizations ago. Evidence suggests that many on the Earth possess Christed DNA at this time, to which it is perceived we have achieved 3.5 strands in DNA. We are all lightworkers, deep down, but moreso -- existialists with beliefs shaped by our experiences with the divine, and it is our experiences in the extrasensory that truly re-shape, and re-program our beliefs. I have mine, and you have yours -- and yet -- very few of us are willing to speak of our experiences with the higher dimensions. We all dream at night and are connected with the Akasha via the subconscious, and the higher dimensions are easily reached if only we imagine this to be so.

I have been given direct reports from doctors themselves to having witnessed objects floating through the air -- telekinesis -- and Uri Gellar, and others, serve as direct evidence of that untapped ninety percent of our brains as conceivable to be employed. It is perceived that some are able to bend spoons and metal bars using crystals, and the natural energy field that surrounds all matter. In the ontological shift from the limited third dimension, to the fifth octave, Time and matter will become harnessed, and it will seem we can "be any place, at any moment, within any given time, as a result of our free will, to be animate, to move, and travel through the recess of the cosmic continuum." We are become teleporters, as the "new resource" already exists within our DNA, the new resource of Light/photonic waves, shall be employed, used, and utilized for the futuresake of mankind as elected into the Cosmic Family, as a class 3 civilization that lives in symbiosis with our home.

All in event toward that final return to the Source, as the ship is gravitated into the radiating vortex, our cells re-dispersed throughout the universe, new planets are formed, entirely new star-systems, and all thoughts dispersed equally in all directions, radiating through the unisphere, piercing through the walls all the way to the multisphere, endowing all other universes with the true energy of the free will that makes us animate, and alive, the Light shall spread, interpolated into the every star-system that exists, replenishing the world of worlds -- all the way to the thetaverse, to which all recall their power as The One, we are all God, in the Christed flesh, living again, as we have lived before, we reached the final incarnation -- that time was prophesized, and we incarnated here at this time to make the prophecy a reality. Thus merged, joined together unto the collective constellation of souls, we are interversal travelers, divine, super-human creatures of infinite imagination, of prescient, electric eyes, that see the energy of this world, and perceive directly the living matter which makes up all of the recess, and space that we know as the cosmic continuum. Becoming Christed that eventuality which awaited us all, we desired this within our hearts, and his return is found within the multitude of lightworkers now incarnated on the planet earth at this time. We are all God, inherently, and divine as it was to perceive otherwise and believe we are less, great falsity emitts from the rays of this lack of free will, and once this power is re-realized, it will never cease to grow in frequency, from body to mind, until we have at last found ourselves as the mind of the thetaverse, governing all energies that exist with a peaceful fortitude, and expressing our power through future incarnations within the many worlds, as other God-embodiments, other Christs, to re-disperse the seed of Light, and thus save other worlds from that emanating force of darkness which seems to exist in equal reciprocity to all that is good -- without good, there can not be evil, and vica versa, it is infinite, and yet, their power is weak, their numbers are lessening, and in spite of the resounding possibility of cataclysmic changes, or nuclear holocaust, we are invited to believe in the notion of safety as found through the thought of evacuation. This possibility exists, and God will not just stand by and watch as we are destroyed.

As we move the focus from the Earth to Venus, saving the planet from all the pain of being the center of the universe, electing Venus the new center, we shall start anew, with the bodies that we now possess, etherealized, Lightbodies -- the super-terrestrial race endowed with the original twelve-strand DNA, living in symbiosis with the star, such that the world is seemed to have been reset, and started anew -- we are reverted back to our primordial grace. This eventuality an inevitability in light of the earth changes that are flushing us humans out, as the Mayans knew well through the procession of the equinoxes, that a collective evolution was nye for the human race. It is the return of Christ, in the multitude, that we shall know this future to reach manifest. "God exists in the human body" -- this is so, and we know it deep within our hearts to be a valid reality. The deity is multiform, a telepathic shape-shifter, knows all about you, and will not, for the goodness of all the Light of the world, allow you to destroy yourself. This being is a holofractal embodiment, a proxy for Gods energy, the angelworker, to which they act as a collective telepathic singular mind, these ascended masters are working the props and scenery of our realities, and some of them have made themselves known, physically, to various people including myself. Knowing that such powerful existences have come to be, enamors us with a sense of being protected by a power that lies beyond us. We believe this to be a good thing, and imagine in the final analysis that we may live in direct union, physically, with the ascended masters in time to come.

Our future is found in the powers of the mind -- from presence of the God-embodimenst(angelworkers) to the experience of the extrasensory as a result of our mutated DNA -- non-local thought-transferrence, telepathy, mind-reading, is an event you will experience. It has already begun, and this, although rarely discussed for fear of judgment, or being seen as indifferent, is an ancient skill we all used to possess, and it is all essentially a matter of remembering. If it is not now, it will be soon, that you learn of the original form of communication. Such that if you are on a particularly dark road in spite of the coming changes, it will be seen that God will intervene into your life, as what would seem a "total stranger" who knows all about you. This is an angelworker, a holofractal incarnation of Gods energy, is a projection of the Godmind, and integrates his or herself into your life, in order to guide you into the Light. Able to read your thoughts, able to communicate with you directly through the solitary expression of words as transferred directly, from mind to mind -- you will see, invariably, as a result of your delving into the unknown, that your quest is being observed, and once you discover that God exists in the human body, there will almost seem to be nothing new to learn, as our quest reached a conceivable end -- what more exists once we have learned we are that vital, and important to the rest of mankind, for "deus ex machina" -- God to intervene in our lives directly, to express that he/she exists, and thus prime us with the thought of becoming equal, through what humility is born in the thought of being perceived by the rest of mankind, as that very angelworker, as you become immortal, and found through lightbody you can not die -- but only ascend -- this future exists where you will become the angelworker who intervenes into someones life to express that you are God, to inhibit this individual with the thought of being protected and watched over, only for their own futurity in the unisphere to end up as a guide in their own right; so it goes, and it continues, it never ends, that we are guided by one another through time, via God-embodiments, angelworkers, and the Christed multitude -- we rise, ascend, and never cease to escalate in our cosmic vibration. God is real, we know this within our hearts, and such will prove to result in the physical manifestation as an angelworker who intervenes in your life. As we evolve back to our primordial place with the Christed DNA, we shall know ourselves to be The One, and when that question is raised, the only answer applicable will be a calmly-expressed,
"yes, I am God. I am a proxy for divine energy, and I am merely here to act as an example, to be learned from, for the extrasensory, for the telepathy, and infinite power that exists within the free will which we all indelibly possess as Christed god-embodiments. I am merely a reflection of the power which exists within us all. You have been primed. You have been guided. I am watching over you, and I will not let you die."

Recalling our power as God, and knowing we are wholly responsible for this reality, the thoughts we possess will be monitored by crafts that exist beyond our dimensional frequency. Your name, your story, and your future, all reside within the banks of a supercomputer, and your relationships, the many files, and lives on disk, are invariably mixed together to result in the life-stream of karmic eventualities, to produce the reality that you know. All of our thoughts are monitored, from the indelible love-energy, to that of the reptilian fear-energy which has reigned supreme for so long. World leaders are being observed, various individuals of great power are being guided, physically, by angelworkers, and ascended masters, and no crime is unforgiven, no past beyond the possibility of being absolved by a positive future to exist as these very God-embodiments, within the stars. There are a multitude of different races all working together for the goodness of the human race, and our eventual return to Godhood as ascended masters in our own right. Ones "life-tape" is being infinitely revised. There is a holoscreen which projects what you see onto a screen, and this is being observed by the many ascended masters who exist outside of time. They can both re-wind, and fast-forward, knowing all possibilities to exist, but the only real one to be imagined is that possibility to which you eventually ascend to the stars, rise into the firmament, and then go through the imagined "portal" to end up the direct, physical midst of your observers, thus viewing the life-tape in their company, and determining what kind of future awaits in light of the past which you have endured as a human being.

This is all leading up to The Great Film -- the entire history of the earth as compiled into one holofractal media that is projected for all to see. We view this film, perceive ourselves, and see that it is all a collective. "We are all of these people." And we learn, verily, that the world has been a somewhat darkly-illumined place. This went on for several years, and alas, as that veritable climax of the film is found only to reveal the masses sitting in their seats of the theater,
"One will rise from his seat before the rest, exit the theater, and then others will follow behind: into the future, into the deepest imaginable future that exists for the enlightened human race. At last, we are going Home. At last, this divine story now possesses a conceivable end." This is possible. An imagined future, and I am one who is endured with the belief it may be realized as a result of the natural workings of God, and the living universe.

The Great Film is an eventuality of which we are invariably nearing. Could you imagine witnessing the entire history of the planet Earth in a single film..? Imagine this, hold the notion within your heart, and know that it will come to be.

Our future is a world of caring, peace-loving, spiritual "individuals" is the hope that we possess. We want to thrive on the power of our uniqueties, and be worthwhile "elements" of the grand matrix of reality. In essence, we all want to be "stars of the show." Deep down, all of us possess an inner craving for attention that just begs for our soul to be judged -- we want to be tested by the waters of Time, we want God to step into our life through the physical host, and we want to know, verily, what lies ahead of the thought of human evolution.

As mystics, we are always on a quest for something, and we know, the answers shall never be fully known. This neverending quest is what makes life worthwhile to us, in spite of the resounding possibility of our eventual return to one-consciousness. The goal exists as we are goal-oriented creatures, and through the natural chaos theory of linear time-flow, we realize this goal through a certain patternless array of self-created prophecies, destinations, and probabilities all realized by the seed thus germinated by the thought of futurity. The thought of the future is what we will make our lives based around, as it is our "childrens children" to whom we indelibly serve, and it is our task, our responsibility, to make sure that the planet is liveable for these future generations. "This is our human responsibility as creatures endowed with free will in a world where we are all essentially equals, and desirous for peace to flow, as we all were equals at one time as born from the same Source."

Of course we perceive much of these thoughts as science fiction, being so desensitized by the media in spite of the resounding evidence of the genetic changes, extrasensory experiences, and continual evidence of higher life-forms -- we continue to work our menial jobs, continue to be focused on what lies directly before us, when the big picture calls for our awakening to a higher reality -- we all have the right to peer into the future, and imagine such divine places and locales for future evolvement to exist. Believing our futurity to lie on such planets as Venus, or Kepler-20f, we thus take it upon ourselves to possess an actual goal, a real plan, and it shall be through the possession of this "plan" that we are made successful as living creatures. Our evacuation is a future thought which is beginning to be shared by many minds, however seemingly impossible it is to imagine being whisked away by our brethren from the stars. It may seem that much confusion arises when some of our most powerful souls suddenly vanish from the earth, as the first two waves of the evacuation are said to be a covert operation, with the third wave clear, visible evidence of lights within the sky, the ships are clearly seen, and it is given to the masses -- the choice to be with the rest of the lightworkers, and learn of our true place in the stars, will be given to us, and yet, many will be incapable of accepting this reality, but choose to remain on the earth to "see if these earth changes are real" -- they are real, and we see this with New Orleans and the tsunami which racked Japan. We needn't anymore evidence than this to know that the tides are rising, the whole earth will be re-shaped by the changes that lie ahead. It has been prophesized, it is already happening . . . the only choice is to move on . . . we needn't die a meaningless death, but that choice to move on exists within us all.

Much philosophy and thought regarding our future is being discussed, and where it would seem our economy is in ruins, many world-leaders convene to discuss matters selfishly contained to their own lives, with many accounts of UFO sightings shredded and ignored as a result of our inability to conceive the existence of higher life-forms . . . the changes are still here, many stories are being circulated in New Age circles, we know that the changes are going to be realized by the masses in time to come, and we exist as living primers for what awaits the rest of the race, in all futurity to come.

"By thus placing our thoughts into the future, meditating on all future possibilities, and taking it upon ourselves to flex the imagination such as to view ourselves in entirely different universes, convening as interversal travelers, cosmonauts, psychonauts, cosmic explorers, just as the Pleiadian race continue to explore the depths of the universe for new life, we know much life exists in this universe, and those life-forms to whom we know were only in close proximity to the earth. There is a multitude of life within the universe. We have only brushed upon the tip of the ice berg, and much yet to be discovered lies before us."

The universe is infinite, it is limitless, and there is no such thing as a perceivable wall, or perceived "edge" of the universe. The Pleiadians venture to explore the depths, and they may be one of the most advanced races in the unisphere. We owe it to them our thanks for continuing the quest, that life is being sought, and we shall learn, verily, that our world is much like that as born from the movies -- that there are literally countless ships and UFO's orbiting Earths atmosphere, which reside at a higher vibratory frequency, invisible to the human eye, monitoring us, watching over us. There are even what are known as "sylph ships" which are located within the clouds, which monitor the weather, and control certain frequencies of the biosphere. They are like anchors for good energy, and I believe our government is aware of the many sylph ships which reside directly in our midst -- UFO's hidden by the guise of the vapors.

UFO sightings are amassing with every day that passes now, such that I have seen the distant fireflies in their erratic "stop and go" movements, and I have met several who have seen a UFO up-close, with the experience shared by multiple witnesses.

Thought of extra-terrestrial life is a growing belief. It is our task to prepare the human race for the onset of landings that will occur in time to come. We must make ourselves ready to walk the platform, and find ourselves in direct union with so many who vanished over the years through the Bermuda triangle, and various ley lines of the Earth. Much like the film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" several seemingly-lost individuals will re-unite with their loved ones, and prove that they had never died, but were merely integrated into the Cosmic Family, preceding the masses entrance into the world of the divine. The "aliens" took certain individuals into their craft, well preceding the time of the collective rapture, and these people were become Ascended Masters, as a result of their union with the higher life-forms. They then would exist outside of time as angelworkers, carefully orchestrating the great show known as the New Earth. These special individuals, who ascended before the rest of us, we will be re-united with in time to come, and it will be seen that all souls who have ever walked the Earth are bound to unite, at some "perceived time" in our divine future, that all souls will be joined together, with many stories to share.

Having reached the Christed DNA to which our bodies become Light, it will be possible to see the many beings who exist at a higher vibratory level, incuding the beings of the lower dimensions, all the way to the higher ones, such that the great experiment that was Time and third dimension, is over, such that we are all joined together -- as One -- a mass aggregate of souls telepathically connected, and joined together as a result of the prophecy laid down by the Mayans so long ago. This is a time far into the future, but it exists within the mind, and it may be seen to manifest sooner than later, just by imagining it to be so.

The soul-body to which we inherently knew, before incarnating into the physical body, was like a nebulous river of Light -- and it flowed through the higher dimensions for a period of time, a brief sojourn in the bardo, the in-between realm, only to take to the human body, yet again, for the final incarnation to be lived in the New Age. Before incarnating, we knew the probabilities that would lead to our enlightenment, and we incarnated with the seed of Light dormant within our DNA, to be dredged out, and realized, by the natural workings of Time. The phylogenic memory packets are unleashed through the spiritual catalyzation found through the dream of awakening, and we evolve as a result of the onset of the dream. It will feel entirely real, that the dream was like a living element of reality hard-wired into our psyche for evolvement to be found -- it was all a matter of timing and rhythm, that we would "event our way through this world, to re-discover the true Light that lies within, as a natural result of TIming and synchronicity."

The dream thus casting us into a certain spiritual catharsis, we feel a change within our body -- we are vitalized by the higher dimensions. This feeling is "mystical" and airy, like being ventilated by the winds of God. It is as though we are feeling at the highest degree of conceivable thought, and we are actualized to which this divine quest is now nearing a conceivable end. We are reverting back to our original grace as ascended master.

In the evacuation to come, those endowed with Christed DNA will be capable of withstanding the beam, and be lifted aboard the craft, as integrated into the Cosmic Family, and standing alongside the many ascended masters who have existed outside of time, for so many ages now. Indeed, many stories will be shared, and much will be learned from existence within the midst of our most humble God-embodiments. In time to come, with the final wave of the evacuation, the ships will land, the lightworkers will board, and we will leave the Earth to be reckoned with by the waves of Time, all will be renewed, with the orb replenished by geological changes with many land-masses submerged, and others re-surfaced, into the rise of Atlantis, New Atlantis, the final civilization of Man as compartmentalized into New Pangea, for the remaining survivors to either construct their own craft, or make the change as those had done before them -- to pray for a saviour as found within the recess of the stars, accepting ourselves as equals within the Cosmic Family.

We are all connected, invariably, and as we return to the Source, to one-consciousness, all minds encompassed unto the singular thought of God, we will know where we have been, where we wish to go, and what lies next for the divine, collectively enlightened human race."

The source our end-goal, and held within the mind as the eventuality of all human existence, an idea that we possess, and germinate with the seed of Light. The Light within our DNA as in relay between the rings of Alcyone, the vortex of Sirius, our planet is truly rising in vibration, and as a result, all incarnated humans are invariably rising in vibration well. "All is vibration, we are all frequences of a riverlight of Sound, it is all a matter of convergence, that through the joining of souls we produce an aurora that emanates into the heavens above, calling certain angelworkers and divine, ascended masters, into our waking field of reality." As we are being primed through channeled text, crop circles, UFO sightings, and the presence of starseeds and walk-ins, we see that the "aliens are already here" -- it was an awakening that returned us to our original grace, and we are, invariably, starting to remember our true place within the stars.

Through channeled text, UFO sightings, and the mounting evidence for higher life-forms, we are involved in a rise of vibration to meet their level, of which we will be able to see them with our very eyes, however invisible the ascended masters have been through time. We are being prepared for physical intervention, and many are starting to accrue to the thought this event will actually reach fruition. "It is our collective desire for a re-union with our cosmic ancestors to be brought upon us -- we began with a subconscious invitation, and now we are starting to consciously accept this new reality."

Could the humans have saved themselves..? We have done the best in our abilities to produce a world where peace resounds, and yet, it would seem, these are the dark times preceding the Light. There is still a lot of aggression, hatred, and strife in the world, in spite of how far we have come as a race. The higher forces are now starting to intervene, in acts of divine intervention, with many near-death stories arising proving that as a result of the Light within our DNA, we are made immortal. I am one who has had such an experience . . .

I was walking alone at night with no money and no plan, simply eventing my way through the night as a mystic in search for answers. The journey was a result of my feeling alienated from those to whom I lived with, I had to escape the low vibrations. That same day I would see a dead bird being consumed by insects, and then a dead snake coiled up in the middle of the road. The symbol of the Caduceus, the half-reptilian, half-eagle symbol for the joining of good and evil, has been a symbol that affects me, ever since my dream of awakening. I was waiting for a car to come, so I could see the road in the beam of the headlights. This car did not pass me by, but reached a halt, the driver turned himself in my direction, and then revved his engine such as to run me down, and kill me.

My reaction, for the life of me, a mystery, was to run towards the car as it came jetting towards me. I was "running towards the Light."

Upon near-collision, in the mere blink of an eye, I was "re-located" further up the road, to which I was able to use my voice, and destinctly felt like I was in my body the whole time. Did I teleport at my own free will in the onset of potential demise -- or did some higher force intervene, and save my life..? The answer is obviously the latter, as shattering of ones sense of reality -- great mystery resounds -- and we are forced to reflect that maybe we can not die once we have found ourselves within the Merkabah vehicle.

The experience of teleportation was never expected, and I somewhat believe it was not my own hand, or my own will, that caused me to survive . . . great offense exists where I should've died, and it is essentially tampering with my reality that some higher force would save my life. Why, perhaps, to write this text, and share my story with the rest of the world as evidence of the great changes that lie ahead . . . I recall vividly that my body, my voice, and my senses, were with me the entire time, and I know the experience was real, in spite of the resounding belief so many will suggest it was merely a hallucination, a memory lapse, or some other logical deducement. It was not astral projection. It was 3D teleportation.

In one of the most terrifying experiences I have ever had, an epileptic/autistic child with down syndrome was standing beside the door of the room I was sleeping in, and then started to "channel" the voices of his father, and sister, to which the discussian was revolved around the thought of the end of the world, and how this plan would reach fruition. He was perfectly able to emulate their voices, and it destinctly sounded like two different people. I have shared this with my therapist, who is a spiritual man, and no one really seems to know what or why caused this autistic child to channel the two entities who seem to be ruling the world. Such that we are forced to deduce -- there are two primary beings in charge of this planet, a male and a female, just as we have two-strand DNA, two genders, two lungs, two hands, etc. It is almost as though we are hard-wired for duality and separation, producing perfect drone-like existences to serve the selfishness of these malevolent forces. Such has been the way of two-strand DNA, but the dimmer switch of twelve-strand DNA is now being activated.

The Plan exists within their minds, and it is seeming to be a collective acceptance that the changes that lie ahead may be good for all races that exist -- and this perceived "end of the world" is not really the end, but some form of beginning. The plan exists within the collective mind -- we are not entirely sure of its details, however we possess partial insights, such that the plan will reach fruition by knowledge of it to exist. I believe that once we are found aboard the mother-ship, many stories will be shared of life on Earth, and many will relate through the imagination how this divine world ever came to reach that conceivable end. We will be connected to the psycho-imaginarium, to project movie-shows as transmitted direcly from the mind, portraying various memories, all interlinked, and interconnected from one mind to the next, such that many minds can be connected to the psycho-imaginarium, to work together producing a divine movie-show for the viewer to enjoy. Much will be learned, and we shall see, through the Living Information, that this story of the earth is one of the most colorful examples that is being learned from by the children of entirely different worlds.

As the earth was the hot-spot of the universe, to which many life-forms incarnated in order to learn what it means to be human, we went through the process of incarnation to become purified by Time, to realize the Light within our DNA, and we were gravitated to the Earth as a result of it being the locale to which a center could be found. Over time, the earth did become the center, and as a result, only more bodies were gravitated here, as all bodies are inherently gravitated toward each others centers.We incarnated into the human body, we lived through various trials and tribulations of karmic circumstance, we experienced all the pain we have dealt upon others. Only to learn that "All is circular, all returns to us in the end, through the infinite flux of the cosmic continuum, we incarnated to remember ourselves, and now that we are living the final incarnation, only for our futurity within the stars to come result of our evolvement through the divine recess. We have reached the Light at the end of the tunnel, the Light propounds off the photons of our DNA: we are One, we are endowed with the higher dimensional frequencies, we know ourselves, and this time, we won't forget."

Light is information, information is the matter which composes the universe, and information will travel as a natural expression of Time. This "living information" composes us, such that within every cell is composed the holographic image of the whole, upon the dream of awakening and our entrance into the divine, our thoughts thus contain the energy of the whole, as a result of the theme of our beliefs. Our thoughts/beliefs are actualized to a perfected degree of insight, and as we start to peer through rose-colorred glasses, and the entirety of the universe radiates Love and Light wherever we peer into the depths, we shall know the Light is alive, and according to various sources, "once the Light enters your body, it never goes away."

With the pole shift, geological changes, and all that awaits the planet Earth, our saviour is the Light within our DNA, to rise, ascend, and merge with the primordial Light, to return to our original grace, and look back on all the lives we lived with prescient sight, knowing these lives were not lived in vain, but all possessed a purpose geared toward a return to our home within the stars. We shall know "perfect thought" -- perfect undulating waves of cogitation within our psyches, that flow in a seemingly perfect iridescence, to which we are enlightened by our thoughts, and take great pleasure in the ability to cogitate a thought at all. "Thought is energy, vibration, and frequency, and it travels as a result of our free will. All is seen as equal, all is regarded with purity, all is known, carefully, and calmly, within the Godly cogitations. We are as powerful as we think, and this power shall flow as result of our imaginations capacity to see the future with our prescient gaze. Thought manifests into action, and the actions thus manifested shall be born from the soul-energy, as the highest acts we can achieve. it is our task to "save the world", through what capacities we possess -- through our families and friends, acting as inhibitors for the presence of Light. We thus "live our Light" and express the beliefs we possess without the taint or expectation of judgment. But our hope is toward a collective evolution -- to live in peace, equality, and unanimous acceptance of the power that lies within, as super-terrestrials, as the Christed embodiments of the final race to take back the earth, as divine creatores of our own destinies.

"Creators of our own destinies" -- a truth that shall resound as manifested through the thoughts that we possess. For some, we must experience a great low before reaching a great high, referred to as the "dark night of the soul." This is so, and it has been so for many ages, that in order to become initiated into the world of Light, some of us have experienced profound heartbreak, loss of loved-ones, or the experience of some physical ailment. Whereas some have walked the path of convenience, to which the world of spirit eludes them, as it seems unnecessary to delve into the world of spirit, as we have already received enough for our realities to be the most acceptable, and worthwhile. Others are inclined to continue searching, as mystics, and this quest of which we are endured to always continue searching, no matter how many answers are uncovered -- is made worthwhile through the ever-illusive belief in the existence of "new information." It is those who continue searching who will be the first to evacuate, as their desire to continue learning is only propounded off the thought of standing in direct midst of our cosmic brethren.

With the New Age and much channeled text, we are undergoing the belief in the existence of "new information" in spite of the resounding truth that there is, essentially, nothing "new under the sun" -- it is merely energy re-worked from one media to the next, recycled, and re-configured by the existence of time within the third dimension. This seemingly "new" information is with us now, none the less, and it is proving the indelible Light of the free will universe.

With the thought of evacuation a growing belief in spite of the fantasticality of the thought -- far-fetched and seemingly impossible to perceive, evidence suggests many have already ascended, and found themselves aboard the massive space-station. From Buddha, Christ, to Father Enoch, individuals endowed with illumined DNA as a result of their own ability to focus their energy through life -- have ascended to the stars, and exist within the firmament to this day.

They communicate with us through "stepped down" energy thus made perceivable through the technology they possess, as channeled, telepathically, into the mind of the subject, for the notion of "new information" to exist. Some channels are capable of taking the name, and the theme, and working with this through their own taint of imagination to produce universal thought-patterns. This is called "conscious channeling" to which we are so enamored with the Light, the living information seems to flow through us naturally as a result of our own movement through the cosmic continuum. We are all capable of channeling, to become our own guides, and as information is alive, and we are hard-set on learning, we shall find, verily, that the answers will reach manifest by our own free will to seek them out.

We shall channel the information of the infinite, find universal principles within our thoughts, and realize, many are reaching the same deducements. A quantum leap is occurring with the human race at this time, to which it is perceived an unprecedented number of souls are entering into lightbody. I believe, in my heart, that the masses in their entirety will be saved . . . all seven billion of us, and so it goes, some may reside in hypersleep as the craft nears the Source -- others will man the ship as crew, pilot, navigator, scientist, astrophysicst, etc. There is a task for every soul, an experience of perfection for all incarnated lightworkers. We all have a place, a purpose, within the stars, our own designated space aboard the craft, various tools to express our imaginations such as the psycho-imaginarium projecting the Akashic Records -- we shall convene, together, in the main deck of the craft, to share our stories, and recall what it was like to be human beings on the planet Earth. However perceived as science fiction, as desensitized by the media we have been, I have been sent the message, through what I perceived as an angelworker, to inhibit me with the thought that we are "on our way out." This thought of evacuation is real, and the more we allow ourselves to vacillate upon the thought, the more ready we will be once that final wave has come upon us.

We evolved from a single-celled organism into an enlightened lightworker, and now this great journey is beginning to see manifest the realization that there is really no such thing as time, but energy has always existed, it was never born, it never dies, it only continues to flow, endlessly, through the universe. The soul exists, we all possess one, the soul is infinite, and it never dies. As beings with the highly limited two-strand DNA, cut off from the spirit, we have been fed off of for the emotions, hard-wired for control, such that our essential return to the original grace as ascended masters with twelve-strand DNA, is nye to prove our original power as endless, and once re-discovered, shall never go dormant again. This time, we will "hold the Light" -- focus on the auroric sphere around our bodies, the double-tetrahedron, merkabah vehicle, and verily, rise before the ever-watching eyes of the disbeliever. We are re-discovering that we were always creators of our own destiny, we chose to be here, and at last, we are going home. People are starting to ask questions. Starting to talk. Starting to discuss the matter of the soul, as we are all inherently desirious of happiness, in our hearts, we seek equality and peace. Our belief is epigenetics, the control of the environment to result in an alteration in the RNA proteins, resulting in a change in the DNA. We can affect this world with the thoughts that we possess, and by knowing we always have total control over the environment, only divine futures are set to be realized.

Will you be ready for evacuation..?

The stars are rife for our re-entrance, the Source awaits our arrival. The human race is evolving back to their original grace -- we are becoming enlightened -- rising in DNA strand, entered into the merkabah vehicle, wholly endowed by the energy of the infinite. Verily, we rise in vibration to meet the demand of our souls, making us canditates for a place aboard the craft. Our thoughts will become the Akahic Records, and we will live and breathe the living information. This perfect avatar self thus imagined, we equalize into through the natural goal-oriented processes we possess. All energies thus merged to the eclipsing thought, the final deducement,
"we have been here before, we have lived many times, and at last, we are now entering into the time of the final incarnation. We are ready to move on!" As it has been, just by knowing about the incarnation system is the first step in rising above it. The human race lived in blindness for many ages, before the eventual return of the Light -- such that through darkness and fear, we re-incarnated into new bodies, as a result of our ignorance regarding the system, and thus, woke up with memory erased of our previous incarnation, only to recover this information through subconscious means like hypnosis, dreams, and reverie. Many are being regressed now to the information of a past life, and how this affects the present incarnation. Many are being awakened. Many are beginning to discuss the matters of the soul, from reiki healing, to various eastern practicies. The age of Aquarius shall be a time for learning and renewal. The Cosmic Spring of the free will universe.

With my own dream of awakening, followed by the intake of certain information, as catalyzed by the book "Many Lives, Many Masters" (Brian L. Weiss) about past-lives, and the thought of angels, ascended masters, and guides who exist in the in-between realm, I entered into the world of the divine through an instantaneous occurrence. The dream was vivid, felt entirely real, and once I had awakened from it, I felt different, body and mind, to which life has never been quite the same ever since the dream. It was my phylogenic memory banks thus enlightened by the onset of certain beliefs, and I know this to be true. My DNA was activated by the dream, to which now evidence from a study done at McClean hospital reveals that I have the De Novo mutation, to which the primary doctor involved told me himself, that "people with the De Novo mutation have experiences in the extrasensory/telepathy, more than people who don't have the mutation." The mutation is real, it exists, and it is born from the Latin meaning "fresh, to start anew" -- one of the many genetic mutations that are not family related, but born through ones own solitary quest. We know that our DNA is rising in strand -- we feel it within our souls, and we know, as well, verily, that we are eventing our way back home as a result of our enlightened DNA. The Source awaits our reunion, just as the Cosmic Family awaits our final integration into the rows of ascended masters, and Christed ones. We have our place within the stars, and the futurity that awaits us is only a divine recess, a profound, emanating Light that only leads, ever-deepened, into the future, for all future races, all children of the stars, to know where we originally came from, and learn, verily, where we would like to go next.

Our evolution is a collective matter, such that we are all working together toward that conceivable end. We are goal-oriented creatures, and the Mayans knew this well. By thus placing a date within the collective mind, we were primed to become collectively enlightened to the future race of super-terrestrials. Many chose to incarnate at this time as a result of the self-fulfilling prophecy, the lightworkers are here now, we will not watch as the human race destroys themselves, and the time for renewal is Now. "The world does not end, it begins, and we know this within our hearts."

This is only the beginning of a great, wondrous, mystical journey, such that many worlds are rife to be saved, and as lightworkers we shall express ourselves as capable of "saving other worlds" through our own natural abilities. We are learning that there is only One Spirit which is flowing through everything -- as all is connected, all is bound by the invisible life-force known as the source field, or collective unconscious. The Universal Mind is bound to be re-realized as we are all collected unto the mass aggregate, of the collective soul. We are all working together toward the conceivable end of enlightenment, and once that dream reaches manifest, and we know ourselves to have been integrated into the world of the divine, we will know ourselves, past and future eclipsed, to the final thought of further advancement through space, the cosmic continuum, and all futurity that exists for the divined human race.

Thus become interstellar travellers as a result of our advancement, the burning Source awaits. We have become God-embodiments, of Christed DNA, and that emanating Light which had been lying at the end of the tunnel, is officially gravitating us back into the Source, to which we merge with the emanating Light. We return to the womb of the universe, and Time is reset as a result. New planets are formed, new star-systems, as our body becomes the universe, and our thoughts the radiating stars -- we have returned to our original place as God, we have reached the Source, and the universe has been saved by the radiating Light and perfection of the evolved, self-divined, human race. We are become time-travelers, police of the multisphere, and act as angelworkers for the divination of other planets. Many will event their way, on a lone journey, to other planets, to relay back the energy of God from what has been learned in that sojourn to the other world. Pleiadian renegades, within our own incarnation system, are a good example of some solitary beings who choose to operate alone, through tones of uniqueness. Thius bound by an existential quest, and many of these beings who operate by themselves, without the help of anyone, are some of the most kind, benevolent souls the universe has ever known. We owe it to them for their sacrifice, and ought to respect the advancements they have given us through the workings of Time.

Ever since my infancy, I have been forced to question the notion of higher life-forms. Such that I am one who was primed with a certain dream, at the age of two, to which I destinctly remember peering into the cold, expressionless eyes of the extra-terrestrial visitor . . . I was standing in a massive dome-like auditorium, to which I would notice a figure standing in the distance. Almost immediately after noticing the figure, he or she would "teleport" right in front of me, his noseless, alien face nearly touching my own. I would peer into the cold, empty, expressionless eyes, and then wake up from the dream feeling cathartic, and as though it were entirely real. The dream infects me with belief, and yet, I have never shared this with anyone. It just may be evidence (it would seem) of my deep, extra-terrestrial nature. I believe that many of us have had such experiences; that many of us are starseeds born from a foreign source, and as fear would prevent us from sharing the details, only belief propounds off the thought of further evolution in light of these vivid occurrences.

Brad Steiger writes in many of his books about how the humans, many of us, are derived from a foreign source, and his book "Other Worlds, Other Lives" goes into great detail of certain several firsthand accounts, of seemingly everyday people from various walks of life, that are born from an extra-terrestrial source. Extra-terrestrials are real, they are with us now -- we refer to these as starseeds. Beings incarnated with certain knowledge, and certain intuitive insight, who are self-mastered, and need only pray to the master that lies within. They realize the Light of their DNA through their own quest, recall their extra-terrestrial history, and evolve themselves through the natural process of the Universal Mind that all inherently re-discover through their quest as been born as human beings in the New Age.

In my infancy, my dream recurred, and was the same each time. I would wake up, stand beside my bed in cathartic wonder, and reflect on the visage of that alien face. It is said that Zeta's, and certain extra-terrestrials, will erase our memories after we have experienced them. Either they failed to erase my memory properly, or it was inclined by the extra-terrestrials for me to remember my abduction dream. Either way, I remember that expressionless, noseless visage, and I will not forget. I was inhibited by the thought which began at the age of two, to believe in higher life-forms, to which I now know I am one of them, I am born from a foreign source -- I am not exactly sure where, perhaps the Lyrae Nebulae. Alienation of ones family and parents upon suggesting we are born from a foreign source, God knows, is a reality, but in light of the evidence, evidence which is profoundly suggestive of higher life-forms -- we must accept is the truth, because this world is not so miraculous to exist with the triad of the sun, moon, and Earth, only for our world to end without any chance at renewal. The time to start talking about these things is now, the time for discussian revolving the thought of evacuation: is now. I will not forget my dream of abduction, nor will I forget my dream of awakening. Ones DNA is rife for renewal at all times, and the dream of awakening awaits us all. In time to come, we shall see that The Plan reaches fruition just by knowing it to exist. By thus feeding this collective crockpot with the information we have come to learn, thus germinating the cell with Light, we evolve through time, all in effort toward that eventual return to the Source. It is inevitable.

Again, we return to that fateful question: could the humans saved themselves..? As I am now a human in my own right, in spite of my extra-terrestrial past, it is essentially already begun that various starseeds and extra-terrestrials, having become human, are thus saving themselves. We saved the world by integrating ourselves into the masses, with a certain mission bent in mind, such that we may never veer from this mission, but adhere to it calmly and carefully as the only purpose that we exist. We incarnated as human beings in order to learn what it means to be equal, as individuals. Through occlusion, and being seperate from the masses, many are being enlightened by the self-constructed reality; the environment thus self-controlled, the "people, places, and events" thus self-modulated, we have taken control over our realities, and we are very fortunate to have done so

This "self-created" reality is the inevitability that awaits us all. All in event toward finding ourselves within the recess of the dream of awakening. Dormant within our DNA lies the information of the dream, and this dream thus germinated by the seed of Light, shall reach manifest as a natural result of our own natural linear movements through Time. Such that although confusing at first, the "new" process which has occurred within us, we shall see is only evidence of a change within our DNA. We know when this change has occurred. We were catalyzed by certain information -- primed for the dream to occur, and at last, once the dream has occurred, the Light will enter ones body, physically, creating an energy-field which emanates brightly in radiant hues into the recesses of the unisphere, calling certain angels, guides, and lightworkers, to be gravitated into your life as a result of the Light which was primordially waiting within your DNA.

"Years ago, In order to save ourselves, we sent emanations of Light, as born from the core of the Earth, into the outer reaches of the cosmos. This occurred long ago, when humanity was still in the dark ages of ignorance and lack of knowledge. The Light thus projected from the Earth invited several extra-terrestrials, including myself, to the planet, to act as harbingers of the Light, and anchor this energy in the grid-work, the noosphere of high-charged photonic energy that is now encompassing the Earth. We were invited here, and accepted the invitation as a kind gesture towards expressing ourselves as individuals, born from a foreign source. We accepted this task, this mission, lowered our vibrations so that we could comfortably reside within the human host, and we lived through a collective amnesia for a time, blind to our extra-terrestrial heritage, only for the New Age to come upon us, and the dream of awakening to re-activate our DNA unto the Christed strand. Now, many are beginning to talk about their extra-terrestrial heritage, and more people are beginning to discuss their dreams. Just as DaVinci was perceived to have been an extra-terrestrial, as suggested by much new belief, the human race is gradually beginning to accept that we have been influenced by "them" all along. They have always been with us."

From DaVinci, to Michelangelo, to Van Gogh, to Edgar Allan Poe. Certain individuals were born, it would seem, already aware of certain things, and they nurtured their beliefs through time to produce many art-works and masterpieces of divine creativity. William Blake would claim to see angels, who would often "sing his thoughts" and made a point to produce poetry that is suggestive of having been influenced by the higher dimensions. It was also William Blake who said "the imagination is the body of God." -- we know this to be so. The imagination is our tool, our vehicle for self-realization, and we employ the imagination to act as our weapon towards further evolvement.

"Information is alive, it travels, and it will be expressed." -- We know this principle to be true, and we believe that by allowing our beliefs to flow, in an effortless manner, that we may return to the Source through the final analysis of it all.

I believe that as a result of the obvious changes we are evolving. The dream of awakening will be realized, and it will be seen as evidence of a change within our DNA. This we shall feed with Light, and nourish with the thought of futurity within the stars. We are all eventing our way back to the Source, to remember our place as God, and we are all invariably connected by the living, Godforce, of the Universal Mind. Mysterious as dreams have been recorded through the many pages of history, this media is the device to which our future in evolution will be found. It shall be known, and it shall exist as pure evidence of a change that awaits us all, on a global level. With the many lightworkers producing a grid-work of iridescence around the orb of the planet Earth, we are rising in vibration to meet the demand of our souls, actualizing, perfecting, to the highest conceivable degree of Light and fortitude, and the vibration of the planet is rising as well.

"What goes on here on the Earth will affect the entire universe as a result" how oft does this statement bear repeating..? What goes on here will affect the entirety of the universe.

We are the most colorful planet in the unisphere, vital to the evolution of other races like the Zeta Reticuli, and various other life-forms.

We are all "working together" in synchronicity toward that conceivable end, "we chose to incarnate here, we chose to live this life, and we chose, essentially, to be human beings in the New Age." The time is now reaching a close. The earth will be overswept by geological changes. Many will evacuate, and that resounding question will leave us with no answers "what next..?" as we have already returned to the Source, what lies next for the human race, it would seem, is a great mystery. We can only imagine so far into the future, but for the prescience we possess, God knows, that by such an act of The Future Imagination -- the future would reach manifest.

". . . We have evented our way through time and space to end up replenished at the other end. We have evolved through the present tense, of illumined DNA, endowed with the information of the infinite. The dream exists, dormant within our DNA. We wake up renewed, re-vitalized, and wholly endured to the magic of the universe. . . ."

"We are there now. We have arrived. Time has reached a conceivable close. At last, we have found our way back home . . . the Light is in my DNA, I am a starseed lightworker. I came here to remember myself. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."